Malik’s Descent


Yami and Malik used the Ring to track Isis’ necklace.  Even Yami was amazed at the fury which burned behind Malik’s eyes.  Malik’s lip was curled into disgust.  Yami knew that if Malik did get his hands on Isis, it wouldn’t be a pretty sight.  The spirit would not hesitate to use his Millenium Item and its hidden dagger on his hikari’s sister.  Isis was in Shadi’s library when they parted and Yami hoped she took the first plane to Egypt, too far for the Millenium Ring to track.  Yami would need to restrain Malik and return to Shadi’s place for a way to cure Malik of his trance. 

Compliments of luck and an author’s lack of alternative ideas, Yami was surprised to see Tristan and Joey coming slowly out of an arcade with empty pockets.  “How could you go through forty dollars in quarters???”

“You had to play those stupid crane games!!!  I’m not the one who wanted to get the Red Eyes Black Dragon Doll!”

Joey stomped on the floor like a little kid who didn’t get what he wanted.   “But it was a Red Eyes Black Dragon plushie!!!  Hear me?  RED EYES BLACK DRAGON!!!!  It was cool!”

Tristan rolled his eyes and turned his head from his sulking froend.  “Hey, there’s Yami and Malik!  Malik looks ticked.”

Yami grinned at Joey and Tristan running up to them and grabbed Malik’s arm.  Malik turned furiously and watched the two boys approach.  “We are here to grab that Millenium Necklace, not to visit!  You don’t want to upset my queen.”

“We can’t have them suspect us.  Act casual and don’t open your mouth. Let me handle this.”

Joey and Tristan ran up to them.  “Do either of you have any money on you?” Joey begged.

“WHY would we give money to you?” Malik sneered. 

“They have a Red Eyes black Dragon plushie!!  I WANT IT!”

Yami turned to Malik with shift eyes.  “Let me handle them. They may know where the Millenium Necklace is.”  Malik grinned ear to ear and nodded.  That was the way to please Malik, knowing he had a chance of pleasing his “Queen” (Sorry. That sounded really evil.).  Yami turned to Joey and Tristan and grabbed Joey’s collar. “Yami! What gives?”

Yami spoke softly. “Grab Malik.  In the alley. Hold him. Tight.”

“Where is that Millenium Necklace, Joey?  Word on the street is that you know.”

Joey looked at Tristan.  “Play along, Joey,” Tristan whispered. 

“Oh. You’ll never get my Millenium Item, Yami!!!  Ha ha ha!” Joey broke away and ran down the street.  Yami and Malik took off in hot pursuit.  Joey and Tristan looked over their shoulders.  Malik’s hands were emitting light.  “Turn!” Tristan cried out and the energy ball missed them.  They ran down a dead end alley.  Yami and Malik cornered them.

Malik chuckled morbidly.  “You fools thought you could outmaneuver us?” Malik gripped his Rod and held it over his shoulder.  “We should banish you to the Shadow Realm right now for stealing an item which rightfully belongs to my queen.”

Joey scratched his head.  He was completely lost.  “Queen?  Uh, Malik, your in modern times.  This isn’t ancient Egypt.”

Malik grabbed Joey’s shirt. “Queen Anzu will certainly enjoy tearing you apart piece by pathetic piece.”

Joey and Tristan exchanged glances and laughed hysterically.  Malik only became angrier.  “Miss Friendship?!  Your queen?” 

“HOW DARE YOU MOCK MY LADY QUEEN!!!” Yami kicked Malik in the back knocking him into the wall.  Tristan wrapped his arms around Malik’s shoulders.  Joey threw his legs up and kicked Malik in the stomach.  Malik turned to Yami. “YOU ARE AGAINST MY QUEEN!!!”  Yami punched Malik as he spun around with Tristan on his back.  Joey grabbed Malik’s ankles and tugged knocking him down.  Malik fell to the ground with a thud.  Yami punched Malik and he fell to the ground out cold. 

Joey and Tristen breathed heavily after the exertion.  “That guy…doesn’t go down easy..”

“He’d make a good wrestler.  Oh, man.”

“We have to get him to Shadi’s library. There has to be a book that can give us a counterspell.”

“Coutnerspell?  Yami, you feelin’ alright?”

“Anzu put a spell on Bakura and Malik and tried to do the same to me.  She’s not as powerful as she thinks she is.”

“There’s a lot of things she thinks she is, and pretty isn’t one of them either.  Tristan, carry Malik. Hurry! We don’t have much time!”

Tristan carried the unconscious Malik on his back.  Much to Tristan’s relief, Malik was as light as Ryou.  The library was not too far off, but Tristan became a little self conscious holding onto Malik on his back.  When they arrived, they dropped Malik on the floor and looked at the rows and rows of books lining the walls, tables, floor, cabinets, and drawers.  “How are we ever gonna find what we’re lookin’ for?  This place is huge!”

“We have to try, Joey.  Yugi, Ryou, and Marik are in danger.”

“Our buddy Yugi’s in danger?  Why didn’t you tell us?”  Yami pointed to Malik.  “Oh.  Well, we could’ve helped ya.”

“You can help me now.” Yami handed Joey an armful of books and scrolls.  “Look for a spell to help Bakura and Malik.”

Yami handed Tristan a stack of books.  “You look for a way to destroy souls in the Shadow Realm.”

“Hold on, Yami. I can’t read hieroglyphs!”

“Those are the translated texts, now get going!”

Yami searched for a way to harness the energy of the Millenium Items.  That is what Anubis was planning. He wanted to harness the energies of the millennium items and control the world.   Joey moaned, “This is boring!!!!”

“If you don’t want to spend the rest of your mortal life waiting hand and foot on Anzu and living in a world of fluffy bunnies, you will look faster before Malik wakes up.”

Yami opened an old book and blew the dust off of it.  He opened it up and flipped to the index.  He quickly flipped to another page. “I think I have it.”


Spirit Bound by Mighty Force

From Now On I Change Thy Course

Change the Course of this Changed Heart

Now Return To One Good Part


By Ra’s Command Do I Cry

Let Good Triumph, the Bad Defy

Send the Curse of Evil that Good Defile

To That Darkened Place of Fiends Most Vile


Malik suddenly woke with a scream once again.  He blinked his eyes and looked at Yami, Joey, and Tristan.  He looked around the library with a questioning gaze.  “What?  What am I doing….in a library?”  He struggled off the floor and looked around for  his Rod. “What did you do with the Millenium Rod?” 

“Anzu has it, along with our hikaris.”

“Marik!  Is he O.K.? Tell me he is!”

“He’s not badly hurt, but his lip looks a little swollen from when you punched him.”

Marik gripped Yami’s jacket.  “You better not be lying to me, pharaoh!  I love Marik.  I would never hurt him.”

“She has fooled all of us, Malik.  We all thought she was dumb and clueless.”

“She is, Yami.”

“Now she’s more than that.  She’s very dangerous and she means to take over the world.”

“We have to return to the Shadow Realm for them.  I just hope it’s not too late to stop her.”