The Status of the Circassian Language and Culture in Circassia



Running the Gamut


A Cyber Odyssey Across the Expanse of Circassian Culture and Language



Other Sites of Interest


Circassian Online Library ****


This excellent website is served in both English and Russian. Downloadable books (about 30) are mostly in Circassian and Russian, with a couple of books in English. It would be great if more books are made available in the great DjVu format.


Learn to Speak Circassian – The Learning Linguist


Learn to Speak Kabardian – The Learning Linguist


LACITO research on Circassian dialects (Abzakh, Shapsugh, Bzhedugh, Ubykh) *****


Archival audio materials in Circassian with French traduction.


Le Lacito est un laboratoire de recherche pluridisciplinaire (linguistique et anthropologie) qui se consacre prioritairement à l'étude des langues de tradition orale. Ses recherches s'appuient sur des enquêtes de terrain dans diverses aires linguistiques et culturelles...


Site of Bibars and Fatima Kaghdou (×ýãúýäó) ****


This is one of the very few Circassian sites in the diasporic cyber space that are served in Circassian, amongst other languages. A very commendable enterprise. Central Forum of the Circassians


The principal language is Russian.


Worldwide Circassian Brotherhood

Dedicated to preserving Circassian heritage. The site is mainly in Russian and English.


Circassian Site


Informative portal in Russian.


Kavkaz FM


Rich and important source of information (only in Russian) on North Caucasian media and press.


Virtual Circassia


The portal is overwhelmingly in Russian. Publishes the newspaper 'Õýêóðý Õàáçýðý' ('The Fatherland and Circassian Etiquette'), which is available online (about a thousand copies of the paper edition are distributed for free). The newspaper is mostly in Russian, despite the title. The editor-in-chief is Ashemez Schomaxwe (Shomakhov). The site is run by Ruslan Teshe (Teshev).


The Cherkess Fund Organization


The Cherkess Fund Organization is a non-profit international organization working for the preservation of Circassian language and culture. It was established in 1991 in Nalchik.


Historical Caucasus


The site is served in Russian. The rich and varied information on Circassian matters is mainly in Russian, with very few articles in Circassian.


Circassian Internet Magazine


The site is in Russian. It has sections on poetry, history, ethnology, linguistics, music, genealogy, etc. Caucasian Internet Portal


Substantive information and news portal wholly in Russian.


Moscow Circassian Association


Justice for North Caucasus


Information, news and views portal.


The Jamestown Foundation


An event of particular interest: The Circassians: Past, Present and Future’, conference held on 21 May 2007 in Washington DC.


Window on Eurasia


Informative site on political events (that should interest Circassians) in English.


Caucasian Knot


Portal on news and matters of concern to all Caucasians and information about local NGOs in both English and Russian. However, only a small number of news items are published in the English version. Still this is a valuable source of information and news.




Interesting cultural information. Feels a bit out of date and inactive.


Adigha Story


A good resource on Circassian culture in English. Comprehensive list of interesting links.


State Museum of the Orient, Caucasian Archæology Sector ****

<> [In Russian and English]






An exciting site in Circassian about Circassian culture. Supported in both Cyrillic and Latin scripts.


Circassian World


Substantive information portal mainly in English.






Very interesting site (in Arabic) on the Circassians of Syria.


Institutions and Portals in Jordan



National Adiga Radio & Television (NART TV) ****


The establishment of NART TV is potentially one of the most important steps towards the preservation and even the generation of Circassian language and culture. The programmes are predominantly in Circassian (in both principal dialects). The nascent TV channel is still in the trial phase.


Electronic news bulletin in English and Arabic concerned with events in Jordan (and elsewhere) that concern the Circassian community.


The North Caucasus Research and Heritage Institute


Circassian Charity Association


The website of the Circassian Charity Association is in Arabic. The Association publishes two magazines on Circassian issues in Arabic: 'Nart' and 'Fraternity'. Some issues are available for downloading. The site should also be served in Circassian and English for optimum benefit.


Institutions and Portals in Israel



Adige Radio 'Nefine' [Radio Adiga 'Nafna'] ****

[Àäûãý Ðàäèî «Íýôûíý»


The Radio is part of the World Wide Circassian Association 'Nafna'. The website is presented in Circassian, English, Turkish, and Arabic. It broaches many issues of concern to the Circassians.


Adiga Magazine *****


Magazine with articles of interest to Circassians presented in Circassian, English, Hebrew, and Arabic. Very informative and very refreshing. What should be done by the institutions in the Caucasus is being done by the small community of Circassians in Israel.


The Circassian Museum/Kfar Kama


Site is in English and Hebrew.






Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s (RFE/RL) Circassian Service *****


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s (RFE/RL) Circassian Service was launched in April 2002, together with Chechen and Avar services. Moscow reacted negatively to this development, perceiving outside broadcasting to the North Caucasus in languages other than Russian as a threat to state security! RFE/RL also publishes the weekly ‘Caucasus Report’, which is also available on line. The aim of RFE/RL North Caucasus Service is to 'promote democratic values through factual, balanced, and objective information.' RFE/RL's North Caucasus Service attempts to provide independent reporting in an area that is one of the world's most dangerous for journalists.


EuroXase: Federation of European Circassians


Site is in English and Turkish. 'Circassians' in this context refers to all the peoples of the North Caucasus. Consideration should be given to introducing Circassian (Adiga) as another language of service. One of the principal supporters of the Federation is Cem Özdemir, the famous Circassian politician in Germany, who has recently been elected Co-Chairman of the German Green Party a great achievement indeed! However, having the most prominent international profile amongst the Circassians entails great responsibilities.


Adyga index: Tcherkesse France


This is a beautiful and stylish website with lots of information in French. Many interesting links. A paradigm for cultural sites everywhere.





Circassian Cultural Institute


Deals mainly with political issues concerning Circassia and the Circassians. Site served only in English.


Kavkaz Cultural Center


Circassian Education Foundation







Contains solid cultural materials in English and Turkish. Makes available whole online books in Circassian.


Notes on the Journey: Present State of Circassian Language and Culture in Cyber Space

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