"Lissard...." said Lord Fear, deliberating inside Marblehead, "It's been so long since I've torutred and frustrated those - young kidsies as you call them, that I'm getting so tortured and frustrated myself. Tell me, how long has it been since the last dungeoneer took on the challenge that is Knightmare?"
   "Ten yearssss, your Lordnessss...." replied Lissard.
   "Exactly what I said, tunabreath?" retaliated Fear. "Ten years of being deprived of my favourite hobby, it's just not on, is it? Knightmare needs something drastic, an you know what it is?"
   "Tell me, your Lordnessss!" asked Lissard.
   "Oh for goodness, sake, you imbecile!" angered Fear. " Still, you've always had fish for brains. There is only one possible solution, and provided that old has-been of a dungeon master is up for it also, what we need to do is resurrect Knightmare, and bring on a new generation of youngsters to accept the challenge!"
   "Excellent idea, your Lordnessss!" exclaimed Lissard.
   "Indeed it is." said Fear. "Now all we have to do is find that decrepi dungeon master Tregaurd, and see if he is able enough to agree with us, provided he isn't past it of course...."

Meanwhile, outside Knightmare Castke, a robed figure was approaching the entrance. As he was about to unlock the doore, the man took down his hood. It was Treguard.
   ""I'm sure there must be more to life than keeping watch over this castle for 10 years!" he muttered to himself as the key turned and the great wooden doors opened. Treguard then climbed up the steps, but as soon as he got to the antechamber he gasped at the surprise that was waiting for him in disbelief.
   "Dragom's breath!" he roared as he found two elvish kin sitting inside. "How did you get in here?"
   "Through the window," replied one of them, "you left it open."
   "And this gives you a resonable excuse for squatting inside Knightmare Castle, does it?" said Treguard. "Who are both of you then - speak up!"
   "I'm Kully", replied the female elf. She then introduced the male halfling as Frego.
   "If you're looking for Majida," added Frego, "she's gone. She left a note saying she was happier living in a bottle as opposed to this wrethced place. But there's us to help you now, and we're fascinated by this castle, so we're going to give assistance to any more dungeoneers and their quests!"
   "Like's that's ever going to happen now" retorted Treguard. "The last quest was 10 years ago...."

Just then, the screen facing Treguard, Frego and Kully came to life. On it appeared Lord Fear and Lissard.
   "Greetings, Treguard." smiled Fear. "Long time, no see eh?"
   "What do you want from me, Lord Fear?" replied Treguard. "I have no need for any more trouble from you, and I haven't done for the past 10 years!"
   "And that 10 years is now up!" exclaimed Fear. "You see, I have decided to resurrect Knightmare and invite new youngsters to tackle even nastier and fiendish challenges. I was getting a bit bored doing nothing in Marblehead, so now I'm finally going to take some action.. Forgive the prematur invitation, but I've already sent messages to some of the most evil overlords around to come and help me rebuild the dungeon, bribing them with offers they just simply can't refuse. Now, providing you don't need the walking stick just yet, will you challenge me and find the most brave and foolhardy of dungeoneers to take on this new Knightmare?"
   "For once Lord Fear, I am in total agreement!" replied Treguard. "I for one, relish a new challenge within Knightmare, and no, I am never aged enough to retire from any aspect of a quest!"
   "Excellent...." said Fear. "I assume that I shall see you again very soon...." And with that, communication between the two sides dispersed.

"We've got him, Lissard." sniggered Fear. "The fool just couldn't refuse the prospect of another Knightmare quest, and boy are we going to give him one!"
   "Yessss, Lordnesss,"replied Lissard delightfully, "but wait, who is that tall shadowy figure lurking behind?"
   They turned round to be greeted by the tall looming presence of an evil-looking sorcerer, and he looked like he wasn't to be messed with....
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