Chapter Beginnings-1926

Members of James Blair Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, were in costume for the George Washington Tea held Feb. 22, 1940, when Mrs. Roger Q. Mills, a member of the chapter, still occupied the stately old home built by her husband when he came to Corsicana in 1852. In the front row, left to right, are Katrine Wright, Suzanne Calhoun, Mrs. Minnie Gatlin, Mrs. Perry McCammon, Mrs. J.S. Murchison, Mrs. Wesley Edens, Mrs. J. F. Stout, Mrs. L. A. Starley, Cynthia Taylor and Loveta Love. In the second row, from left are Mmes. John Calhoun, Roy Love, Robert Taylor, George Baum, Wilbur Wright, L. E. Kelton Sr., R. Arthur Caldwell, Ed M. Polk, (unidentified), Louis Polk and Max Almond. Standing, left to right between the pillars of the veranda are Mrs. H. M. Regester, Mrs. Suttle Roberts, Blanche McKie, (unidentified), Mrs. Mills, Mrs. M. S. Dockum, Miss Lizzie Harllee and Mrs. A. B. Horn. The young men in colonial dress are Harold (left) and Robert Lee Andrews, son of Mr. and, Mrs. R. C. Andrews, 401 N. 2nd. (Tessie Dickenson Studio Photo) Published in the Feb 28, 1971 Corsicana Daily Sun.


The James Blair Chapter was named for an ancestor of the organizing regent. James Blair was born in Augusta County, Virginia, on the 6th day of March 1761 and died in Habersham County, Virginia on the 16th day of October, 1837. During the war of the American Revolution he acted in the capacity of Orderly Sergeant, Ensign and Captain.

The James Blair Chapter was organized December 24th, 1926 and was recognized by the National Society January 29th, 1927. The organizing regent was Rose Blair Polk (Mrs. Edward Monroe Polk). The Officers of the chapter from 1927 to 1928: regent, Rose Blair Polk; vice-regent, Mrs. D. N. Rice; recording secretary, Miss Dorothy Drane; corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. H. Miller; treasurer, Mrs. J. Wesley Edens; registrar, Miss Blanche McKie; historian, Mrs. J. M. Dyer.

Charter Members: Mrs. Arthur Cladwell; Mrs. E. Y. Cunningham; Mrs. J. M. Dyer; Mrs. M. S. Dockum; Miss Dorothy Drane; Mrs. J. Wesley Edens, Mrs. Theodore B. Ferguson; Mrs. Ballard W. George; Mrs. J. L. Halbert; Mrs. William Hastings; Mrs. L. E. Kelton; Mrs. W. F Love; Miss Blanche McKie; Mrs. A. H. Miller; Mrs. Charles H. Mills; Mrs. J. S. Murchison; Mrs. E. M. Polk; Mrs. D. N. Rice.; Mrs. Suttle Roberts; Mrs. J. F. Stout; Mrs. T. S. Townes; Mrs. Gilbert Thorne; Mrs. Fred Upchurch; Mrs. Wilbur Wright. All are members at present of the chapter. Mrs. Rose Blair Polk served as regent of the chapter from January 29th, 1927, until May 2nd, 1928.

We celebrated Washington’s Birthday with a beautiful Colonial costume tea at the home of the Regent. In May a white breakfast was given at the Corsicana Country Club and an open meeting with program on national defense was held on March 7th at which time we had the pleasure of hearing an able address by Honorable Wayne Howell of Corsicana.

Meetings have been held in homes with splendid programs followed by a social hour. We have presented a flag to the Robert E. Lee School with appropriate exercises; gave $5.00 to the Sam Houston State Teachers’ College in addition to $5.00 contributed by the regent to this fund. We have placed the D.A.R. Magazine in the Public Library; presented the splendid history of George Rogers Clark to the Public Library; took a chair for the chapter in Memorial Continental Hall making payment of $100.00 on same and have paid all National Chapter dues.

Source: Texas State History Daughters of the American Revolution, 1929, Reprint Edition 1991, p. 133-34.

This is a direct and complete quote of the original article. All spelling and grammer has been preserved in its original form.

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