" AUTOSTART=TRUE HIDDEN=TRUE> <BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/jamesjfe129/<center><a href="http://www.msealsmusic.com"><img src="//www.msealsmusic.com/mm.gif" width="95" height="52" border="0"></a><bgsound src="//www.msealsmusic.com/you.WMA" loop=1 hidden="true"><p>">
Jessica's Page
Artistic. Very artistic. Quiet, reserved, and "slightly" obsessed. Did I mention artistic? You see, she gets this things that are like seizures, then starts drawing like crazy. We call 'em "artistic seizures". When around her, leave NO paper or ANY items that could possibly be used for art in any manner within her reach.
The picture above is done by the person owning the name mentioned above.