Works Inspired by James Lee


From my favorite photo of Jameslee Sometimes....we feel inspired by something an artist has said, sung, painted, played. Sometimes....the artist's work sparks something, an Inspiration, that we must listen to closely or risk it running away and not come back for a long time. I've had a few Inspirations whispering in my ear as a result of he who is no slouch, and I'm stepping out here with much fear and trepidation to share them with you....even though some of them aren't REALLY finished. (Hey! Make a game of it--try to figure out what song inspired or provoked each poem.)

Thank you, James Lee, for sending
those little sparks of Inspiration my way...
I only hope that my inspired works
can do yours justice.


Top Daddy's Eyes of My Own
Look into my mirror
and see staring back at me
a blend of the faces
that used to mean the world to me.
Its not that they mean any less
just the world means a whole lot more
than it did to me when I was just 3 or 4.

I've got my daddy's eyes
and his dimples in my cheeks,
mommy's little button nose.
(And damn it, I think a crow left those...)
Beside my eyes and lips
freckles like mommy wears
and ears that droop like my dad's
and that chin and pudge beneath
is both of theirs.

There are tears like mommy cried,
and a pout just like my dad.
I see her sorrow deep inside
and the anger that he had.
A furrowed brow from mommy dearest
showing the world that I worry
and veins pulsing....throbbing....
Sharing my dad's gift of fury.

So with all the things
they gave to me
that I see clear as day,
all the things I don't like about me
leaves me angry today.
Because for all the steps I've taken
and followed them close behind
and walked a thousand of their miles...
Neither of them ever left me
a single one of their smiles.
Now, I sit,
and I wonder
why I have no joy...
in all these genes I wear.

May 22, 1997

Top Can You?
can you take me to the edge
and make me wonder
why I waited?
can you bring me to your heart
and make me care?
can you tear me from your side
and make me love you?
can you take me to the top
and make to jump?

need to feel that burning
longing for the yearning
feeling something again

can you bring me to ecstacy's door
and help me unlock it?
can you whisper the secrets of time
and make me tick?
can you look into my eyes
and make me believe you?
can you draw me in
just like a breath
and make me sweat?

oh, how I want you to
feel that burning?
longing for the yearning
being someone again

well, you hid yourself behind a guise
and managed to outdo my disguise
you wore the face
of someone I thought I knew

and, you took me to the edge
and made me wonder
you took me to your heart
and made me care
you took me to ecstacy's front door
and just left me standing there.

May 22, 1997

Top Currently Untitled
Hopped the redline
for a visit to my life.
Clicking off the miles,
hearing voices in the echos
of the clacking rail ties....
Ghosts of my past,
Soothsayers from my future
"Ever be afraid."
"Never trust anyone."
Still I rode on
toward the line its ending--
Growing anxious for the stillness
Growing needy of the platform
Growing fearful of the impending.

June 5, 1997

(The following is a song parody created for
the James Lee Stanley Mailing List crowd.
My apologies to the original author.)

(To the Tune of Touch Like Magic)
Every cow is lowing
All around the farm
They got the moos
Every cow is lowing (they say)
Jimmy got the cold hand blues
Jimmy got a touch like ice cubes
watch him place his hands
while they chew their hay
all around the stable
the cows are frantic
Extra lactose is here
And a milkman waiting there as they say

Came on like a coldfront
Every cow he touch
just get so cold
Came on like a coldfront
In every barn
The story is already told (they say)

Jimmy's got a touch like ice cubes
Sittin' on his stool
Let him warm those hands
Jimmy's got a touch like ice cubes
He's a coldhanded freak can't
Stand to mar his cows with brands

Every cow lows it
Something's going on
And it's growin' cool
Every cow shows it
Farmer's feet
He's comin'
And he's got his stool

I guess you've got to
Milk 'em while you're able
I guess you've got to
Churn it while you can (cause)
Once you put your butter on the table
Everybody knows there's no point
In trying to milk a bull again

Soon in the ol' barnyard
Word has gotten 'round
And they turn him away
At the ol' barnyard
There ain't a stable left
Where the boy stacks hay
It's too bad

Jimmy's got a touch like ice cubes
It's too bad
Jimmy don't know when to warm
It's too sad
Jimmy's got a touch like ice cubes
If he warms his other hand
He'll get an udder that he can't refuse

Every cow is lowin' ...
Every cow is lowin' ...

June 15, 1997

Original Words (and Music) by James Lee Stanley
Parody Shamefully Created by Leigh-Anne "Peta" Dennison
Based on a Conceptual Suggestion from Eva Frizzi

A word about the cow...I borrowed this cow from the good people and artists at International Paper. Originally intended for my animal rights website, I was reading over this parody and couldn't think of another cow-image so befitting the tune...forgive me International Paper (and all your subsidiaries).

(Another song parody created for
the James Lee Stanley Mailing List crowd.)

Everybody's truckin'
All around the town they got the news.
Everybody's truckin'
They say, "Jimmy got the carburetor blues."

Jimmy got a truck by matchmax
Watch him lose his treads while he spins his wheels.
All around the highway the drivers are frantic.
There's no muffler there; gives an odor in the air you can feel.

Came on like a Speedway
Everything he owns just turned to rust.
Came on like a Speedway.
Every part he's got has turned to dust.

They say....

Jimmy got a truck by matchbox
Make a little room, let him skid on de ice.
Jimmy got a truck by matchbox
It's the kind of truck leak can risk a driver's life span twice.

Everybody tows it...
Truck is breakin' down and it's brokin' good.
Everybody tows it...
Bucket seat, they must concede, they're drivin' on fumes.

I guess you gotta drive it while you're able,
You gotta keep an extra gas can.
Once you spread your carb out on the table
Everybody knows there's no point in tryin' drive that truck again.

Soon at the car lot
Jimmy's put money down--they turned him away.
At the other car lot
There ain't a dealership where the boy can drive away

It's too bad...Jimmy don't got no cruise.
Jimmy's got a truck by matchbox.
If he gets another ticket he gets a courtdate
He can't refuse.

Everybody's truckin'
Everybody's truckin'

August 28, 1998
Original Words (and Music) by James Lee Stanley
Another Parody Shamefully Created by Leigh-Anne "Peta" Dennison
Based on a Discussion incited by CharJ

Top Domino Harvest but the Workers are Through
Sitting by my window
on a cloudy L.A. night
when a voice breaks through the smog
shining in a ray of light.
Melodious voice--strumming hand....
half the members of Two Man Band,
Are you singing that song just for me?

Intent on what that voice is singing
While that phone just keeps on ringing
and I know its only you
doing just what it is
you told me not to do.
But when the ringing stops
and the knockin' starts
I realize its not the door
but the cold side of my heart.

Am I the last to realize
what everybody knows?
Are you the one?
Is that what the wind whispers
when it blows?

And wouldn't it be
just like love
to come after me in this way?
Asking me to listen
leaving me nothing left to say.

Now that dirty job
that you have to do
sends a shiver down me
over and over, through and through.
Catching my breath,
breathing in yours....
Breaking apart my arguments
Like the seas break on the shores.

In a sweat of denial,
running to the mirror,
seeing my daddy's eyes
shining back at me
with a divine clarity
even I can see.

I wasn't even looking
when your love came along
a fork in my road
and like Frost I had to decide
on which trail I'd belong.

Finally giving in
to love unexpected
partaking of your natural fruits
I feel a natural high
taking me by surprise....
I wasn't even looking
And now you've gone straight to my heart.

July 26-27, 1997


Whether Friend or....
Standing by the payphone,
Tears running down my face,
Make-up a blur and hair a fright,
Can't believe I'm here
Calling you in the middle of the night.

You said I should call
Now that I'm flying blind,
Will you want to hear my voice
on the other end of the line?

Were you looking for another
sunny girlfriend?

Well, the tire's dead flat,
and the wind's all that's picking me up
in the middle of highway one-oh-three.
Punching in your number....
The guilt weighs heavy on me.

You said I should call
Now that I'm stranded and alone
Will you pick up this time
or just let the machine get the phone?

Were you out looking for another
sunny girlfriend?

Unfocused eyes glaring
at that glowing face,
Hear the phone bell ringing
time to cut to the chase

A sleepy "Hello?"
A weary "Did I wake you?"
A fibbing "No,"
I smile over the phone.

I told you too to call me
Now that the tables are reversed,
I will do the listening....
This one's your verse.

See, I wasn't looking for another
sunny boyfriend
in this lousy fairweather town.

September 2, 1997


There's A Shadow on the Land
I saw the clouds
black as charred cinders
roll in.
And a hand stretch out
over the land
and grabbed all the hearts
like a pile of sand.

And I saw a thousand hands
break through the earth's crust.
Reaching up
and grasping
through the settling dust.

Reaching out for the heartless
Screaming out against
the profane voices
that seer and terrorize,
fear and immobilize
feet set forth to action.

A thousand hands reaching,
ten thousand feet marching,
still not a single heart
was retrieved.
Not one vicious tongue
Not a single sentence

September 2, 1997


Sad voice
echoing hurts
felt and heard
from dawn to dusk
of time to time.
Willing participant
risking sorrow
for a chance
of happiness
odds are
just that.

July 30, 1997


4-Minute, 24-Second Break
Frustrated I sit
in my sterile office
under humming fluorescent lights,
looking out a polygon window
at the geometrically fashioned city....
Building after building,
car after car,
asymetric by symetric,
an endless grid of rusted
dust encrusted
progress stares blankly back.

Faintly in a distant cubicle,
I hear some poor peer
being chewed out
at the boss's pleasure.
Sip cold coffee from my cup,
walkman at my side....
Slip on the headphones.

You greet me warmly
whispering your words in my ears.
With peaceful and powerful
refrain after refrain,
You carry me far away from
this linear place.

Moved to
hapazard fields
and crisp white blankets
of unshoveled snow.
As far as my mind's eye can see
trees stretching up and out
in wild, random patterns.
The glowing warmth of the sun
now resting on my face,
I can feel the cool breeze brush
my cheeks
raising a blush.
The metaphoric air
feels crisp and fresh,
a stark contrast
to the dinge and dirge
of my fiscal confinement of

Like a friend beside me
arm around my shoulder
You give me a tour of your worlds
alone with your words.

A little log cabin with
swirling, curling puffs of smoke....
The flurry of footprints
left by furry fellow creatures
who have shared this scene....
The blurry blue skies and
sprigs of spring grass
reaching out through the snow....

With a squeeze of my shoulder
and a fade out....
you're gone.
And, I'm transported back
to my world
with the glowing warm computer screen
reflecting off my face
and snowy white blankets
of disshoveled paper
spread out before me.

(after 4 and 24),
I feel
less confined,
less broken
for the break.

September 12&October 20, 1997

My James Lee Stanley countryside

You are the poetically active human being to stop by.

If you enjoyed the Jamesleeian parodies herein contacted,
you'll want to visit Jingle James & the Listmas Choir.

Return to Somewhere In Between

The works herein contained were humbly submitted to you by Leigh-Anne Peta Dennison.
ALL THESE WORKS, unless otherwise stated, are copyrighted and the sole property of the page
originator/creator/author, Leigh-Anne Dennison. Any UNAUTHORIZED use of this material
(i.e. without obtaining the author's permission) constitutes a violation of the copyright laws.