*About me* |
Name: Jana |
Age: 15 |
Birthday: March/22/1987 |
From: Slovenia (Thats in Europ If you dont knov) |
Favorite color: Pink and Black |
Favorite Music: Blink 182,Linkin Park,Britney Spers,Pink,No Angles...etc. |
Favorite Movies: Star Wars all part,Harry Potter,The Lord of the Rings,Man in Black,Hanibal....etc. |
Links: Eating,Drawing,video games, sleping,going to movies,vaching TV,listening to music,reading comiks books...etc. |
Dislikes: School at nuber one,waiting, ummm...fithing with my friends..etc. |
Thing that I say alot: ½We hade homework??? ½ ½Mom give me so mony ½ ½Dad Hellp...somethin is wron with the computer!½ ½EEKKK....A SPIDER!!!!½ ½It wasn me!!!½ ½Sory,sory,sory...½ ½ Yea rith½ ½ Stopit it rith know½ |
I am 15 years old..and I look like this...the picture up ther is me in small size! |