Why is it every time the Justice System lets out criminals (repeat offenders) and these assholes commit (yet again) serious crimes, why do cops and Lawyers always say that it's because they need more cops on the street?

No, they need to smarten up! I'm getting sick and tired of this 'Cash Cow'. They let them out, because they know these criminals will do it, and then they have an excuse to ask for more taxes, for more cops, then they let out even more criminals, so they can ask for even more cash from taxpayers.

This is insane!

The Lawyers, Judges, cops, all of them know what the law is, and where it needs to be fixed. But do they make an effort to fix it? Nope, that would mean things get done right, and hardened criminals would stay in prison. Less money for them.

Instead, they want to make more money! So they allow the system to remain broken, and keep letting these criminals out, so they can say to the taxpayers, "See? We need more money to police this city."

What they really mean is, "we let them out, so we can get you to pay more out of fear, and you're soo stupid, you fall for it every time, EVEN THOUGH what we're doing is very obvious, but we want to ride this 'gravy train'. So if you don't do it, we'll just let more of them out."

Why are people not writing the Justice system in masses??? Why are people not screaming at our Govt.?

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this is a news clip I just found:

CALGARY - Canadian drivers should brace themselves for record gasoline prices this spring if crude oil stays in the $90-a-barrel range, experts say.

"They could be getting into the $1.30, $1.40, maybe even the $1.50 range per litre," said Jason Toews, one of the founders of, a website designed to help motorists find the best deals at the pump.

Gas prices for this time of year should be around 90 cents per litre, but the national average was $1.07 on Friday. That's because of recent high crude prices, Toews said in an interview.

Crude oil receded to its lowest level in more than a month on Friday after flirting with the $100 a barrel mark at the beginning of last week.

What the hell??

To put this one simply - Oil companies claim the gotta raise the price of oil for these complex reasons, yet everytime they do (claiming it's nessesary) they turn around and then claim record profits.

I mean, who the hell is this stupid??

If you were buying a raw product for say $50, and then this raw product went up to $90, you'd have to increase the consumer cost just to keep from losing your business. You wouldn't be claiming RECORD PROFITS after the product increased and a price hike, would you?

No, you'd be lucky to be keeping pace with the increase... and not losing customers!

but because it's oil, and we're all dependant on it, they can tell us what they want, sell us a crap product (gasoline differs in quality across Canada) and charge us whatever price hikes they want - regardless of whether they really need to hike the price or not.

The Oil companies have been wanting to do this for a long time anyways. They just made their chance to do it.

And the masses buy it everytime...