The Star Wars AU Ring

Do you have a Star Wars website that's minor friendly and has alternate universe fan fiction?

Alternate universe ISN'T Luke marrying Callista, it's like Luke turning to the dark side, Vader turning to the light, Anakin never turning, etc.

If your site fits the above qualification and you want to increase hits to your site, then join The Star Wars AU Ring by clicking here

Now that you've added your site to the queue, you need to add the HTML code to your page. Below is the HTML code for this ring. You will need to add in your name and e-mail where it says YOUR NAME and YOUR EMAIL and your id number, that was given to you after you submitted all your info, where it says YOUR ID (four times).
Here is the HTML code that will be sent to you:

<P> <CENTER> <hr noshade width=100%> <br> <TABLE BORDER="5" CELLPADDING=3 CELLSPACING=3 WIDTH=300 ALIGN="Center" bgcolor="#000000"> <TR> <TD><A HREF=""><IMG src="//" BORDER="0" ALIGN="Middle" width=329 height=134></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><P ALIGN=Center> <FONT COLOR="aeabf2"><link="66cfff" vlink="ggf4df"> This <A href="">The Star Wars AU Ring</A> site<BR> is owned by <A href="mailto:YOUR-EMAIL">YOUR NAME</A>. <P ALIGN=Center> [ <A href=";id=***SITE ID***;action=prev5 ">Previous 5 Sites</A>| <A href=";id=***SITE ID***;action=prev ">Previous</A> | <A href=";id=***SITE ID***;action=next ">Next</A> | <A href=";id=***SITE ID***;action=next5 ">Next 5 Sites</A> | <A href=";id=***SITE ID***;action=rand ">Random Site</A> | <A href=";action=list">List Sites</A> ]<BR> Click <A HREF="">here</A> to join this ring.</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <br> <hr noshade width=100%> <BR> </center>

If it's pasted correctly, it will look like this:

This The Star Wars AU Ring site
is owned by YOUR NAME.

[ Previous 5 Sites| Previous | Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List Sites ]
Click here to join this ring.

If it does not look like that, then try recopying it. If that doesn't work e-mail me at and I'll send you a personalized HTML fragment for your site.

If it does work, e-mail me at and tell me so I can add your site to the ring!

Thank you Liz Skywalker for your help in making this ring a reality. Join Liz's Webring by clicking here