Make an Appeal for the rights of Sindh

Stop building large Dams and canals on Indus river By Zafar

Petition To: Asian Development Bank
Large Dams and Huge Canals on River Indus Will Destroy Sindh
Add My Name To This Petition           By Saghir Shaikh

Petition To:  Kofi Annan, Secretary-General, United Nations Organization
Protection of the Indus River System for the Survival of Tens of Millions of Sindhis
Add My Name To This Petition             By Masood Ahmed

Petition To: World Bank, Asian Bank and UNO
Stop illegal constructions of Kalabagh dam & Greater Thal canal
Add My Name To This Petition          By: Zafar

Make online Petitions for the rights of Sindh

E-Petitions Free online petitions gopetition iPetitions Petition Online
Petition Petition The Petition Site Web Campaign
Note: JSQM invites to all visitors to participate in e-campaign to raise strong voice against atrocities of Punjab, and raise more voice for Sindh case, here are some emails, gusetbooks, & feedbacks for that. More to come. Copy a sample

Feedback to United Nations

SAARC Countries site Guestbook

Email To United Nations

Global Lawyers Guestbook

Asian Human Rights Commission

Email to commissioner of human rights council of Europe














The President of USA

The First Lady of USA

The Secretary of State (USA)

Public Affairs USA

Foreign Affairs Committee - UK

Minister for Foreign Affairs - Australia

Parliamentary Secretary Foreign Affairs - Australia

Foreign Affairs - Egypt

Prime Minister of Bangladesh

Tanzania High Commission Office

President of India Feedback

Feedback to New Zealand Government

Feedback to French President

Email the French Foreign Ministry

Email to China Government




Email to UK Online

Email to The Bostan Globe

Chicago Sun-Times Feedback

The Charlotte Observer Feedback

The Gulf News Feedback

Khaleej Times - Letter to Editor

Feedback to CNN

Letter to Editor The Cincinnati Post

Email to Huston Chronicle

Feedback to BBC

Letter to Dallas News

Letter to New York Times

Letters to Los Angeles Times

Email to Times Online Editor

Letter to Japan Times





Email to UK Embassy

Email to Afghanistan Embassy

Email to Austria Embassy

Email to China Embassy

Email to French Embassy

Email to German Embassy

Email to Greece Embassy

Email to Kazakhastan Embassy

Email to The Republic of Korea Embassy

Email to Lebanon Embassy

Email to General Consulate of Singapore

Email to High Commission of South Africa