By: Dr.
Muhammad Ali Manjhi
was not only remained rich, heritage, history and geography, but it is still
a rich geographical country. Great Sindhi, its delta and coastal area
remained attractive sites for the countries of the world. The ancient
geographers, historians and tourists of the world had not only praised the
famous things of sindh country, buy they also admired the ports of the
country, where the trade of the countries of the world was carried on.
Qudrat-u-llah Fatmi in his article has written that the Sindhi navigators
through the bank of Iranian sea, approached the famous trade centers of
Babul and Sumerian civilization. In writings of Herodotus and other
classical writings of west, there is also so much information, in which
reference of the Sicylux was also mentioned, who had gone in reverse
direction from the sea of sindhu. Later on, there has been such references
in the writings of the historians of the Alexander time.
The Naval chief of Alexander, Nearchus, had witnessed some of the places
during his voyage, which were also the seaports. At the place of ?Korokola?
(presently known as Karachi) he had seen a beautiful and convenient port and
had named it ?Alexander Heaven?. They had stayed there for 24 days along
with their ships due to the cyclone. According to General Haig, the
city/port of Sakala was present in the open creek; there were also
references of port, which was named as Moran to Bara by Arian.
There were numerous river ports and seaports in the area of delta. The river
ports included Debal bander, Kharek bander, Shah bander, Larri(Lahri)
Auranga bander, Jakhi bander, Dharaji bander, Keti bander, Sando bander etc.
Some important and famous sea ports (bander) are explained as under
(1) Debal Bunder:
This ancient port of Sindhu was famous all over the world. It is situated on
the eastern branch, of sindhu, delta. It was the busiest trade center in the
world. In my opinion it is situated in the southeastern angle of present
Buhara village and its antiquities are now inundated under the seawater.
When ever the sea level decreases, the antiquities appear.
From the early period of Islam, numerous recurrent attacks had been made on
the port. At last Debal was conquered by Mohammad Bin Qasim, after several
attacks and later on, its status was decreased. In the early period of ninth
century, this great port was completely ruined.
(2) Shah Bander:
This port was established by Mirza Issa Khan Turkhan, but after passage of
few years, it was closed. In 1759 A.D, the emperor of Sindh Ghulam Shah
Kalhoro had re-opened that port. The Britain established industries there,
which functioned for long period. Due to earthquake in 1819 A.D, one branch
of sindhu closed which resulted in the closure of this port.
(3) Jakhi Bander:
It was situated in the eastern side of Dharaja bander in the coastal area.
(4) Dharaja Bander:
That port was established in the dynasty of Dharaja state, and it was
remained a busy and famous trade center for a long period. When Noor
Mohammad Kalhoro was the emperor of sindh, he attacked the state, killed its
head Raja Arjun and devastated it.
The antiquities of that port are still present on the site.
(5) Vikar Bandar:
It was the famous and busy port of sindh. Dr: Ghulam Ali Allana wrote with
reference to Burns that the ships mostly anchored near the Vikar fort. The
sindhi people named one of the ship as ?Armat.? The size of the ship was 70
x 28 feet. That port was closed in the mid of Nineteenth century.
(6) Keti Bander:
This famous port of Sindh country was situated on the Hajamro branch of
Sindhu. That port was inundated thrice by sea. The last Keti bander was
closed in 1864 A.D, due to the closure of the branch of sindhu on which it
was situated.
Due to the changes of water in Sindhu, many seaports and ports river have
been ruined. Now days there remains neither the glory nor gushing water have
the Great Sindhu nor its seaports and trade.