Indus Delta/Down Stream Kotri


By: Dr. Karim Khuwaja

 We arrange a medical camp at karochaan on 2nd june 2002, for the people of kharochaan. it was first medicalcamp because no body had ever gone there .It is in Island at the drop page point of the river Indus it is in the disrict thatta,which is 150 km far from karachi. This journey was hard journey, then of Baba Island near kemari. where we arrenged a medical cam in 1996 for seven days. we traveled in engine boat. I am mentioning this here because of 2 reason. first the doctor who arranged medical camp at Baba Island, late Dr. Qadir he is not with us may this soul is in peace & the second reason is herewe were sailing in horho ( none machine boat ) to reach kharochaan from abaas perozani bandar in 45 mintues. with us were doctors social workers, journalists, and political workers. They were tirat das, lukman khatti, Dr, Ghulam mohdkhatti ( guide at lsland ) Dr. lsmail palego, Ajaz khuwaja, Usman bloch,Abu bakar, Wahid paryar, lrfan Ali, Anwar abro, Aijaz qazi, lqbal khuwaja, Ajaz shaikh,Kasghif khuwaja, Dr. Fida khuwaja & others capacity of horho was 20 persons, while we were 30 tides & winds were high & hourney in horho was dangerous because of more people, when we reached island we were shocked to see the worst condition of island & people,There was no basic health unit, no proper school for boys & girls.people were found manourished, mortality; rate of children & woman was high, lack of civic amentities etc. the river indus falls in sea near kharochaan , where it is divided into three creeks but now these creeks are saturated with seawater because of sea intrustion.

Island has the population of 10,000 people. There was no police station as there is no crime & robbery 50 yearsback the island was spread over 12 km but now due to non availability of fresh water of river indus sea had intruded of its land. It was the prosperous areas.agricultural production was excellent. There were many rice mills. people use to come from iran,far east, and middle east.for trade.camel of the area was exported to middle east.It was not kharochan but whole indus delta was having the mean time we saw 500 patients & gave medicine of Rs. 50,000 to the people of island.

To day the beauty & prosperoty of island has gone beacouse of no release of water down stream from kotri.sea have intruded 100 km inside from kharochaan to sujjawal mainland & effecting on echosystem, economy, agriculture, live stock,wild life, forest, mangrove,fishermen, fisheries, health of the people etc. because of non release of water to down stream it is affacting kotri, Hyderabad, Badin, Thatta & Karachi, effecting 3-4 million people. so we decided to hold a seminar on ( save indus delta ) at karachi on 24th july 2002 to nationlize & internationalize this great issue.

Those who spoken on the seminar were haji shafi jamot, Dr.Wahid Soomro, Dr.Khawar, Mr. Tahir Qureshi, Muhammad Ali shaikh, lqbal khwaja, Sikinder Brohi,Prof.Dr. lsmail Palejo & my self. we also requested Dr.Shahid amjad, Mr. Waga, Prof. mangi, and Anwar pirzada to contribute artical for this book.

The proceeding of the seminar was telacasted by p.t.v in sindhi program Hal-ahwal on 5th Aug. 2002 & in p.t.v world in the morning on 28th Aug 2002 discussion programe on lindus delta was commenced in which four participants were there Dr. shahid Amjad institute of Oceanography,Mr. shafiq khoso, Mr. Asadullah Bhatti ( producer, p.t.v ) Mr. ,Mshkoor Ahmed najam producer and mr Ayoob for highlighting this national for highlighting news of seminar. we should not forget halchal, sindhi newspaper for bring special edition on the day of seminar.

