Near the city of Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, is a remarkable
facility. Twenty years ago the Brazilian government turned a prison
over to two Christians. The institution was renamed Humaita, and the
plan was to run it on Christian principles. With the exception of
two full-time staff, all the work is done by inmates. Families
outside the prison adopt an inmate to work with during and after his
term. Chuck Colson visited the prison and made this report:
'When I visited Humaita I found the inmates smiling-
particularly the murderer who held the keys, opened the gates and
let me in. Wherever I walked I saw men at peace. I saw clean
living areas, people working industriously. The walls were
decorated with Biblical sayings from Psalms and Proverbs...My guide
escorted me to the notorious prison cell once used for torture.
Today, he told me, that block houses only a single inmate. As we
reached the end of a long concrete corridor and he put the key in
the lock, he paused and asked, "Are you sure you want to go in?"
"Of course," I replied impatiently, "I've been in isolation
cells all over the world."
Slowly he swung open the massive door,
and I saw the prisoner in that punishment cell: a crucifix,
beautifully carved by the Humaita inmates-the prisoner Jesus,
hanging on a cross.
"He's doing time for the rest of us," my guide said
--Max Lucado