ALICE DE GANT (b. 1120) was born in Axholme, Lincolnshire, England. She married ROGER DE MOWBRAY. They were married in 1113, in Folkingham, Lincolnshire, England. You may read more about ROGER DE MOWBRAY and his family on the BEATRICE FITZ WILLIAM page. Just follow the link at the bottom of this page. She is the daughter of WALTER DE GAUNT and MATILDA DE BRITTANY (b. 1096) who was born in Folkingham, Lincolnshire, England.
WALTER DE GAUNT (1092-1139) was born in Folkingham, Lincolnshire, England. He is the son of GILBERT DE GAND and ALICE DE MONTFORT. They were married in 1071 in Folkingham, Lincolnshire, England.
ALICE DE MONTFORT (b. 1050) was born in Montfort-sur-Risle, France. She is the daughter of HUGH DE MONTFORT (b. 1020) who was born in Montfort, France.
GILBERT DE GAND (1048-1094) was born in Alost, Flanders, Belgium, and is buried in Bardney, Lincolnshire, England. He is the son of RALPH DE GAND and GISELE (b. 1028) who was born in Flanders, Belgium. They were married in 1047 in Alost, Flanders, Belgium.
RALPH DE GAND (b. 1022) was born in Gand, Flanders, Belgium. He is the son of ADALBERT DE GAND and ERMENGARDE DE FLANDERS. They were married in 1021 in Gand, Vlaanderen, Belgium. ERMENGARDE DE FLANDERS (b. 1005) was born in Flanders, Belgium. She is the daughter of BAUDOUIN and OGIVE. They may be found on the MAUDE MATILDA page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.
ADALBERT DE GAND (b. 1004) was born in Gand, Flanders, Belgium. He is the son of ARNOUL DE GAND and LIETGARDE DE CLEVES (b. 987) who was born in Cleves, Germany. They were married in 1003 in Gand, East Vlaanderen, Belgium.
ARNOUL DE GAND (b. 984) was born in Gand, Belgium. He is the son of THEODRIC DE GAND and HILDEGARDE DE HOLLAND. They were married in 983 in Gand, Flanders, Belgium. HILDEGARDE DE HOLLAND (b. 961) was born in Zuid Holland, Netherlands. She is the daughter of DIEDRICH DE HOLLAND I and GERBERGE VERMANDOIS (b. 939). They were married in 960 in Zuid Holland, Netherlands. DIEDRICH DE HOLLAND I (b. 935) was born in Zuid Holland, Netherlands.
THEODRIC DE GAND (b. 956) was born in Gand, Flanders, Belgium. He is the son of WICKMAN DE GAND I (b. 920) who was born in Gand, Flanders, Belgium, and LEDGARDE DE FLANDERS. They were married in 955 in Gand, East Vlaanderen, Belgium.
LEDGARDE DE FLANDERS (941-9/29/964) was born in Flanders, France. She is the daughter of ARNULPH and ALIX DE VERMANDOIS. They were married in 934 in Flanders, Belgium. ARNULPH and ALIX DE VERMANDOIS are also the parents of BALDWIN. You may find him on the MAUDE MATILIDA page. Just follow the link at the bottom of this page.
ALIX DE VERMANDOIS (915-10/10/960) was born in Vermandois, Normandy, France. She died in Bruges. She is buried in St. Pierre Abby, Gand. She is the daughter of HERBERT DE VERMANDOIS II and LIEGARDE. They were married in 915. HERBERT DE VERMANDOIS II and LIEGARDE are also the parents of LUITGARDE DE VERMANDOIS. She may be found on the BLANCHE D'ARTOIS page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.
LIEGARDE (895-931) was born in Vermandois, Normandy, France. She is the daughter of ROBERT and ADELE.
ROBERT (923-6/15/923) was born in Bourgogne, France. He died in Soissons, France. His first wife was Beatrix de Vermandois (b. 880) whom he married in 897. She was born in Vermandois, Normandy, France. She is the daughter of HERBERT DE VERMANDOIS I. He may be found below. ROBERT is the son of RUPERT and AELIS (819-866) who was born in Tours. Her second husband was Conrad whom she married in 863. She is the daughter of HUGH and AVA. You may find them on the MAUDE MATILDA page. Just follow the link at the bottom of this page.
HERBERT DE VERMANDOIS II (884-2/23/943) was born in Vermandois, Normandy, France. He died in St. Quentin. He is the son of Count HERBERT DE VERMANDOIS I and BERTHA, of Morvois, (b. 862) who was born in France. They were married in 879. BERTHA is the daughter of RUTPERT and ADELAIDE (b. 864) in France. She is the daughter of LOUIS and ERMENGARDE HESBAYE. LOUIS may be found on the JUDITH page. ERMENGARDE HESBAYE may be found on the MAUDE GREYSTOKE page. Just follow the links at the bottom of this page.
RUPERT (820-9/15/866) was born in France. He died in Brissarghe, France. He is buried in St. Martins, Chateuneuf, France. RUPERT is the son of RUTPERT (d.834) and WIALDRUTH (b. 816) who was born in Germany. WIALDRUTH is the daughter of HADRIAN and WALDRAT. RUTPERT is the son of RUTPERT and THEODERATA (d. 789).
RUTPERT (770-807) was born in Germany. His second wife was Isingard (d. 789). He is the son of THURINCBERTUS (d. 770). THURINCBERTUS is the son of RUTPERT (d. 757) and WILLISWINT (722-764) who was born in Germany. WILLISWINT is the daughter of ADELHELM (b. 660) in Germany.
RUTPERT is the son of LANTBERTUS (690-741), who was born in Germany. LANTBERTUS is the son of ROBERT and DODA. ROBERT is the son of LANTBERTUS (d. 630).
HERBERT DE VERMANDOIS I (848-902) was born in Vermandois, Normandy, France. He is the son of Count PEPIN and ? (b. 820) who was born in France.
PEPIN (818-840) was born in Vermandois, Normandy, France. He died in Milano, Italy. He is the son of King BERHARD and Queen CUNIGUNDE (797-835) who was born in France.
BERHARD (797-4/17/818) was born in Vermandois, Normandy, France. He died in Milan, Italy. He is the son of King PEPIN and Queen GONDREE or THIERREE. She is the daughter of Duke BERNARD (d. 784) and ? of Laon. BERNARD is the son of CHARLES MARTELL and ROTROU CHROTUDIS. They may be found on the JUDITH page. Just follow the link at the bottom of this page.
PEPIN (773-7/8/810) was born in Aachen, Rheinland, Prussia. He died in Milan, Milan, Italy. He was christened on April 12, 781 in Rome, Italy. His second wife was Queen Bertha whom he married in 794. Bertha (b. 777) was born in Toulouse, HaUtahe-Garonne, France. He is the son of King CHARLEMAGNE and Queen HILDEGARDE DE VINZGAU. You may find them on the JUDITH page. Just follow the link at the bottom of this page.
ARNULPH (890-3/27/963) was born in Flanders, Belgium. He died in Flanders, France. ARNULPH is the father of HILDEGARD. She may be found on the ALICE DE COURTNEY page. Just follow the link at the bottom of this page and then the underlined names. He is the son of BALDWIN and ELFRIDAM. They were married in 884.
ELFRIDAM (877-6/7/929) was born in Wessex, England. She is the daughter of ALFRED and EALHSWITH. They may be found on the MAUDE MATILDA page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.
BALDWIN is the son of BALDWIN and JUDITH. They were married in 859 in Flanders, Nord, France. You may read more about JUDITH and her ancestors on their own page. Just follow the link at the bottom of this page.
BALDWIN (837-879) was born in Flanders, Nord, France. He is the son of ODOSCER.
ODOSCER (b. 810) was born in Flanders, Nord, France. He is the son of ENGLERAN.
ENGLERAN (b. 780) was born in Flanders, Nord, France. He is the son of LIDERIE.
LIDERIE (b. 750) was born in Flanders, Nord, France.