ELIZABETH DE SEGRAVE (10/25/1338-1353) was born in Croxton, Leicestershire, England. She was married to JOHN DE MOWBRAY. He may be found on the BEATRICE FITZ WILLIAM page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page. She is the daughter of JOHN DE SEGRAVE (1300-3/20/1353) and MARGARET PLANTAGENET.

        MARGARET PLANTAGENET (1322-3/24/1398) was born in Norfolk, England. Her first husband was Walter de Mauny, whom she married on May 30, 1354. She is the daughter of THOMAS PLANTAGENET and ALICE HALES. They were married in 1318 in Harwick, Essex, England. ALICE HALES (1302-1327) was born in Harwick, Essex, England. She is the daughter of ROGER HALES (b. 1276), who was born in Harwick, Essex, England.

        THOMAS PLANTAGENET (6/1/1300-8/8/1338) was born in Brotherton, Yorkshire, England. His second wife was Margaret Hales, whom he married in 1325 in Brotherton, Yorkshire, England. His third wife was Mary de Braose, whom he married in 1325 in Norfolk. He is the son of EDWARD PLANTAGANET I and MARGARITE.

        MARGARITE (1279-2/14/1317) was born in Paris, Seine, France. She died in Marlborough, Wiltshire, England. She is buried in Grey Friars, London, London, England. Her second husband was Henry Plantagenet III. She is the daughter of PHILLIP and MARIE DE BRABANT. They were married on August 21, 1274 in Vincenners, Val de Marne, France.

        MARIE DE BRABANT (1260-1/12/1321) was born in Louvain, Brabant, France. She died in Murel. She is buried in Cordelier Conven, Paris, Seine, France. She is the daughter of HENRY and ALIX DE DREUX (d. 1273). ALIX DE DREUX is the daughter of HUGH DE LUSIGNAN XI and YOLANDE DE DREUX. They may be found on the KATHERINE DE MORTIMER page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.

        HENRY (1233-1291) was born in Louvain, Brabant, France. He is the son of HENRY and MARIE. They may be found on the MAUD DE BRABANT page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.

        PHILLIP (5/1/1245-10/5/1285) was born in Poissey, Yvelines, France. He died in Perpignan, Pyrenees, France. He was buried on December 3, 1285 in Clermont, Ferrand, Puy de Dome, France. His first wife was Isabella, whom he married on May 28, 1262 in Clermont, Ferrand, Puy de Dome, France. He is the son of LOUIS and MARGERITE BERENGER. They were married on May 27, 1234 in Sens, Yvonne, France.

        MARGERITE BERENGER (1221-12/21/1295) was born in St. Maime, De HaUtahe, France. She died in Paris, Seine, France. She is buried in St. Denis, Paris, Seine, France. She is the daughter of RAIMOND BERENGER II and BEATRIX. They may be found below. They are also ELEANOR BERENGER parents.

        LOUIS (4/25/1215-8/25/1270) who was born in Poissy, Yvelines, France. He died in Tunis, Tunisia. He is buried in St. Denis, Paris, Seine, France. He is the son of LOUIS and BLANCHE. They may be found on the BLANCHE D'ARTOIS page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.

        EDWARD PLANTAGENET I (6/17/1239-7/7/1307) was born and christened in Westminster, Middlesex, England. He was christened on June 22, 1239. He died in Burgh-on-Sands, Cumberland, England. He was buried on October 28, 1307 in Westminster Abbey, Westminster, Middlesex, England. His first wife was Eleanor, whom he married on October 18, 1254 in Las Huelgas, Burgos, Spain. He is the son of HENRY PLANTAGENET III and ELEANOR BERENGER. They were married on January 14, 1236 in Canterbury, Kent, England. HENRY PLANTAGENET III and ELEANOR BERENGER are also the parents of EDMUND PLANTAGENET. He may be found on the JOAN PLANTAGENET page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.

        ELEANOR BERENGER (1217-6/24/1291) was born in Provence, Rhone, France. She died and was buried in Amesbury, Wiltshire, England. She was buried on September, 11, 1291. She is the daughter of RAIMOND BERENGER II and BEATRIX. They were married on June 5, 1219 in France.

        BEATRIX (1201-1266) was born in Ghamberg, Savoy, France. She died in France. She is the daughter of THOMAS and BEATRICE MARGARET (1138-4/8/1230) who was born in France. They were married in May 1195. BEATRICE MARGARET is the daughter of WILLIAM and AGNES SAVOY (1138-1177) who was born in Savoy, France. They were married in 1177 in Genenva, Geneva, Switzerland. AGNES SAVOY is the daughter of AMADEO and MAUD. They may be found below.

        WILLIAM (1130-7/27/1195) was born in Geneva, Geneva, Swithzerland. His second wife was Beatrix de Faucigny. He is the son of AMADEUS and MATILDA (1110-7/2/1137) who was born in Cuiseaux, Saone-et-Loire, France. They were married in 1131. MATILDA is the daughter of PONS CUSEAU I (b. 1086) who was born in Cusea and LAURA DE SENECY (b. 1088).

        AMADEUS (1100-6/26/1178) was born in Geneva. His first wife was von Domene, whom he married in 1125 in Geneva. He is the son of AIMON and IDA (b. 1056) who was born in Glane Maurienne, France. They were married in 1099 in Geneva. IDA is the daughter of PETER who was born in Glane.

        AIMON (1050-1134) was born in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. He is the son of GERALD and GISELA (1020-1060) who was born in Switzerland. They were married in 1033 in Maurienne, France.

        GERALD (1012-1045) was born in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. His second wife was Theitburge. He is the son of AIMON (b. 1006) who was born in Burgandy, France, and BERTHA.

        BERTHA (b. 1008) was born in Flanders, France. She is the daughter of BALDWIN and MATILDA. They may be found on the MAUDE MATILDA page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.

        THOMAS (5/20/1177-1/20/1233) was born in Carbonierres, Savoy, France. He died in Aoste Isere, France. He is the son of HUMBERT and BEATRIX VIENNE (1138-4/8/1230) who was born in France. They were married in 1175. BEATRIX VIENNE is the daughter of GERARAD VIENNE I and GUIGONNE DE SALINS (b. 1114) was born in Salins, Seine-et-Marne, France. They were married in 1130. GUIGONNE DE SALINS is the daughter of GAUCHER DE SALINS III (b. 1088) and ? (b. 1088). They were both born in Salins, Seine-et-Marne, France.

        GERARAD VIENNE I (1112-1180) who was born in Vienne, Vienne, France. He is the son of GUILLAUME (b. 1088) who was born in Vienne, Vienne, France, and PONCIA TRAVES. They were married in 1111 in France. PONCIA TRAVES (b. 1090) was born in Traves, HaUtahe-Saone, France. She is the daughter of THEOBALD TRAVES (b. 1064).

        HUMBERT (8/1/1136-3/4/1189) was born in Savoy, France. He died in France. He is the son of AMADEO and MAUD (1116-1/1145) who was born in Albon, France. They were married in 1120. MAUD is the daughter of GUIGES (1068-1198) and MATHILDE (b. 1070). GUIGES is the son of GUIGES (b. 1042). GUIGES is the son of GUIGES ALBON I (b. 1016) and GOTHELINE (b. 1018).

        AMADEO (1100-4/1/1148) was born in Savoy, France. He is the son of HUMBERT and GISELE. They may be found on the ALICE DE COURTNEY page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.

        RAIMOND BERENGER II (1185-8/19/1245) was born in Provence, France. He died in France. He is the son of ALPHONSO and GERSENDE DE SABRAN II. They were married on July 1193 in Aragon, Spain. GERSENDE DE SABRAN II may be found on her own page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.

        ALPHONSO (1174-12/1/1269) was born in Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. He died in Palermo, Sicily, Italy. He is the son of ALPHONSO and SANCHA. They were married on April 25, 1196 in Aragon, Spain. You may read about SANCHA and her ancestors on her own page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.

        ALPHONSO (4/4/1152-4/25/1196) was born in Mayor de Valle, Avagon, Spain. He died in Perpignan, Pyrennes-Orient, France. His first wife was Mafalda, whom he married on January 30, 1160. He is the son of RAYMOND BERENGER V and PETRONILLA. They were married on March 11, 1137 in Aragon, Spain.

        PETRONILLA (1135-10/18/1172) was born in Aragon, Spain. She is the daughter of RAIMIRO DE ARAGON II and AGNES DE AQUITAINE (b. 1100), who was born in Aquitaine, France. They were married in 1134. AGNES is the daughter of WILLIAM and PHILIPPA MATHILDA. They may be found on the ELEANOR page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.

        RAMIRO DE ARAGON II (1095-8/16/1147) was born in Aragon, Spain. He is the son of SANCHO and FELICITAS (1069-4/24/1086). They were married in 1063. FELICITAS is the daughter of HILDOUIN DE RAMERU IV and ADELAIDE DE NAMUR. They may be found on the ISABELLA TAILLEFER page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.

        SANCHO (1065-6/1094) was born in Aragon, Spain. He is the son of RAMIRO and GERBERGE (b. 1043). GERBERGE is the daughter of BERNARD ROGER BIGORE (1017-1038) and GARSINDE (b. 1019). BERNARD ROGER BIGORE is the son of ROGER CARCASSONE (b. 991).

        RAMIRO (1041-5/8/1063) is the son of SANCHO (1015-1/18/1035) and URRACA (b. 1017), who was born in Alvar. SANCHO is the son of GARCIAS (b. 989), who was born in Aragon.

        RAYMOND BERENGER V (1113-8/8/1162) was born in Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. He died in San Dalmaco, Torino, Italy. He is the son of RAIMOND BERENGER IV and DULCE ALDONZA. They may be found on the BERENGARIA page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.

        HENRY PLANTAGENET III (10/10/1206-11/16/1272) was born in Winchester, Hampshire, England. He died in Wesminster, Middlesex, England. He was buried on November 20, 1272 in Westminster Abby, Westminster, Middlesex, England. His second wife was Margarite. He is the son of JOHN "Lackland" PLANTAGANET and ISABELLA TAIELLEFOR. They may be found on the RICHARD PLANTAGENET page. Just follow the link at the bottom of the page.

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