This is a copy of the deed for the land that CHARLES WERCKHAUSER purchased from Conrad Ihrie and information about what they did to the place when CHARLES WERKHEISER was hung.

        Deed Poll, Conrad Ihrie to CHARLES WERCKHAUSER
        To all people whereas these present ____ ____ Conrad Ihrie of Forks Township in the County of Northampton in the state of Pennsylvania.
        That for and in the consideration of the sum of Sixteen Hundred Pounds and Fifty Pounds of good and lawful money of Pennsylvania to me in hand paid or secured to be paid by CHARLES WERKHAUSER of Bethlehem Township in the County of Northampton aforesaid yeoman _____ whereof _____ _____ acknowledges and thereof the said CHARLES WERKHAUSER his heirs and assigns forever acquit and discharge by these presents have granted _____ released and confirmed. And by these presents do grant ____ ____ ____ release and confirm unto the said CHARLES WERCKHAUSER and to his heirs and issues all that tract of piece of land lying being and situate in Forks Township aforesaid adjoining the lands of John Bapp, Thomas Sillyman, Jacob Miller, David Gwin, and land late of Dr. Graemm and containing Two Hundred and Seventy-two acres and one hundred and thirty-one perches of land, it being the same tract of piece of land that was granted to me by virtue of a ____ Warrant bearing date the 14th day of April 1775 relation being had to ____ receipt for ____ .. ____ of Edmond Physick Esq. rendered herewith and ____ appears together also with all and singular the buildings and improvements thereon erected ways, woods, water-courses, Rights, Liberty and Priveleges, timber, apportionments and appurtenances whatever.

        Another deed entered on page 47 or 48.
        And also all the estate title interest the sum of forty pounds by me paid in full to have and to hold the said tract or piece of land with the appurtenances unto the said CHARLES WERCKHAUSER his heirs and assigns foresaid for the ____ only use Benefit and Behalf of him and subject to the payment of the remainder of the purchase money and all interest and payment were due or hereafter is become ----- the said Conrad Ihrie do further Covenant ____ ____ with the said CHARLES WERKHEISER his heirs and assigns that he the said Conrad Ihrie and his heirs and against all and every other person aforesaid whatsoever lawfully ____ to claim by form and under him thereon any of them shall and will Warrant and forever deferred by these presents hi ____ the Profudaries aforesaid only excepted. Witness whereof the said Conrad Ihrie ____ to set my hand and seal the ____ day of January in the year of our Lord one Thousand years ____ hundred and seventy-nine. Conrad Ihrie his set mark ( ) sealed and delivered in the prescence of us John Arndt, Thomas Sillyman, recieved on the day of the date named above ____ of the within and above named CHARLES WERKHEUSER the sum of Sixteen Hundred and Fifty pounds it being the full consideration money therein mentioned. I say ____ to me ____ Conrad Ihrie his set mark ( ) Witnesses present-John Arndt, Thomas Sillyman ____ Northampton County on the seventh day of January in the year 1779. Before me Thomas Sillyman Esquire office Justice of the Peace in and for said County ____ appeared Conrad Ihrie and acknoledged the within document of writing to be his act and deed and desired that the same may be recorded ____ Witness my hand and seal the day and year above written.
        Thomas Sillyman, Recorded on the 24th day of November A.D. 1792.

        A copy of the deed found in the Sheriff's Deed Book I, page one, dated on December 20, 1782, and recorded on December 20, 1782, for CHARLES WERKHEISER, grantor to Christian Butz, the buyer.
        Northampton County, Pennsylvania, Israel Horsfiel versus Charles Werkhauser. Robert Levers presiding judgment, (Fi Fa Ven. Es.), 54, June 9, 1876, 11, June 9, 1782, July 17, 1782, and December 20, 1782.
        Robert Traill, Esquire, Sheriff, in open court this day acknowledges a Deed made by virtue of a Writ of Venditioni Exchonas in this ____ whereby for its consideration of one hundred sixty-one pounds to him paid by Christian Butz of Forks Township of the said Northampton County yeoman who was the highest bidder at a public auction, premises, he presented to the said Christian Butz a certain tract of land (being a part of the Drylands) situated in Forks Township bounded by land of John Messinger, John Bapp, Thomas Sillyman, esquire and others and containing 272 acres and allowance to the same ____ ____ to hold to the said Christian Butz and his heirs and assignees for ever which deed bearing date the twentieth day of December 1782 and is witnessed by James Biddle Collin-ario Read.

        This is a copy of the deeds and polls found in the Grantor deed book index listed in Book H, Volume 1, page 46, 47, and 48 dated December 20, 1782, and recorded on November 21, 1791. This deed turned CHARLES WERKHEISER's 272 acres over to Christian Butz.
        Robert Traill, Sheriff, to Christian Butz, June 21, 1782.
        Whereas by a writ of Venditioni Exchonas directed and tested on June 21, 1782 setting forth and reciting that whereas by two with Fieri Facias I was lately commanded that the goods, chattels, and lands of and tenement of CHARLES WERKHEUSER late of Nothampton County yeoman in my bailiwick I should be caused to be levied as well as a certain debt of 60 pounds. Likewise a debt of 430 pounds which Israel Horsfield lately in the County Court of Common Pleas before the justices at Easton recovered against him as also two pounds 7 shillings 9 pence and the further sum of 2 pounds 7 shillings and 9 pence which the same Israel Horsfield in the same court were adjudged for his damages which he has sustained by creation of the detention of those debts, and that I should have those monies before the justices at Easton at the County Court of Common Pleas thereto be held the eighteenth day of June the next following to render to the aforesaid Israel for debts and damages aforesaid whereof and that I should have there then that writ and that whereas I before the justices afoersaid the same day returned that by virtue of the said two writs of Fieri Facias to be directed that I seized and taken in execution the lands of Charles Werkhauser consisted of 272 acres in Forks Township bounded by lands of John Messinger, John Bapp, Thomas Sillyman, and others which tract of land remained in my hands unsold for want of buyers. It was decided that the rents, issues, and profits over a period of seven years would not be sufficient, so the court ordered the Sheriff to have public sale at which Christian Butz was highest bidder at 160 pounds. It being the same land Conrad Ihrie sold by deed poll on January 7, 1779 to CHARLES WERKHEISER.
        Sheriff signed the deed over to Christian Butz on December 20, 1782. The deed was not recorded until November 24, 1791.

        This is a copy of the deed that followed the deed written out on the preceeding page from the same Book H, Volume 1, page 49.
        Christian Butz, yeoman to John Werkheiser, yeoman
        Christian Butz sold the 272 acres to John Werkheiser (part of Manor of Fermor commonly called the Drylands) for 400 pounds it being the same tract which Robert Traill, sheriff, granted to C. Butz on December 20, 1782.
        This deed contained the following statement-And also the benefit of a receipt signed by Edmond Physick, esquire, late receiver general for the Proprietaries for the sum of 40 pounds paid by Conrad Ihrie in part of the consideration or purchase money to have and to hold the said tract of land (272 acres).
        Christian Butz signed this deed on November 1, 1785.
        One of the justices of the Court of Common Pleas has Christian Butz sign the deed again on December 22, 1790.
        This deed was finally recorded on November 24, 1791. Christian Butz held the deed for three years.

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