Most of this research was done by Marguerite. We wish to give her a big THANKS.

        14. Charles Werkheiser (5/14/1809-7/20/1848) was born and died in Plainfield Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Charles is buried in St. Peter's Cemetery in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. He marrried Catharine Jones (b. 1807) on September 15, 1829. Charles' occupation was a carpenter.

        In the 1850 census of Bushkill Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, lived Catharine Werkheiser, 45, and Gerorge Werkheiser, 13.

        The dwelling above Catharine had a Jacob Buzzard, 35, and Catharine, 30, Benjamin Jacoby, 14, Helena Werkheiser, 15, and Elizabeth, 9. Levi must have been living with another family, he would have been seven. There was a Reuben Werkheiser, 20, a shoemaker living with Aaron Hilliard, a shoemaker living in Forks Township, Pennsylvania. John Joseph Werkheiser was living with Thomas Andrew.

        Charles and Catharine had seven children:

        141. Reuben Werkheiser (b. 7/16/1831) was born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. He was christened in August 1831, at the Forks Church in Forks Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. His sponsors were George and Marie Stufflet. These records are from the Forks Church, Forks Township, Nothampton County, Pennsylvania.
        142. Helena Werkheiser (6/12/1834-5/10/1915) was born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. She was christened on August 31, 1834, in the Forks Church in Forks Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Her sponsors were Adam and Catharine Maier. From newspaper extracts at the Easton Library, Helena married John J. Ruth (1834-1908) on March 4, 1854, in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Later this was spelled Rutt. We know they had one child:
        1421. Charles Rutt (5/23/1873-9/19/1944). He married Edith Grace Dech (6/23/1879-9/13/1957)in 1901. Charles and Edith had two children:
        14211. Ila Helena Rutt.
        14212. Joyce Edith Rutt had a twin brother who died at birth.

        According to the 1870 census in Lower Mt. Bethel, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, was listed Ruth, John J. (37) and a farmer. RE. 10,000 Per. Estate 300 born in Pennsylvania. Also, Helena (35), Moses (14), Lydia (9), and Elizabeth (37) a servant. These should be the right John and Helena.
        In the 1880 census of Washington Township, page 1, Rutt, John H. (47) works in a slate quarry, was born in Pennsylvania. Helena (46) and Charles (7) were living here also. If the 1870 census is correct Moses and Lydia may have married or were living with someone else. Washington Township was formed from Lower Mt. Bethel Township in the year of 1871 so they could have been living in the same place, as they were in the 1870 census.

        143. John Joseph Werkheiser (2/27/1837-7/9/1914) was born in Plainfield Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania and is buried in the Fairview Cemetery in Phillipsburg, New Jersey. He married Malinda Smith (12/31/1835-7/8/1879) on November 18, 1858, in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. John and Malinda had five children. You may read more about John and Malinda and their family on there own home page. The link is at the bottom of this page.

        144. George Adam Werkheiser (4/17/1839-1876) is buried in the Acme Church Cemetery in Medina County, Ohio.

        145. Anna Elizabeth Werkheiser (8/30/1841-1/17/1912) was born in Plainfield Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania and died in Milton Township, Wayne County, Ohio. She is buried in the Swagler Hoover Cemetery, Milton Township, Wayne County, Ohio. You may read more about Anna and her family on their own page. The link is at the bottom of this page.

        146. Levi Henry Werkheiser (11/7/1843-3/29/1926) was born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. He died in Wadsworth Township, Medina County, Ohio. Levi is buried in the Acme Cemetery, Medina County, Ohio. You may read more about Levi and his family on their own page. The link is at the bottom of this page.

        147. Mary Werkheiser (2/9/1846-9/22/1847) was born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. She is buried in the St. Peters Cemetery in Plainfield Township in Northampton County, Pennsylvania.

        From Book 15, page 311, Orphans Court, Easton, Pennsylvania, August 21, 1848: The petition of Phillip Keller, Administrator all and singular, the goods and chattles, which were of Chalres Werkheiser late of Plainfield Township (Carpenter) deceased, at the time of his death who died intestate. Setting forth that the said Intestate left a widow named Catharine and Issue Six Children Towit, Reuben, Lena, John Joseph, George Adam, Anna Elizabeth and Levi, all of who are yet in their minority. That the personal Estate of the said Intestate is insufficent for the payment of his debts as by the account herewith produced appear, and that the said intestate died seized in his demense as of fee of and in a certain Message and Lot of land Situate in Plainfield Township aforesaid. Bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a stone in a Public Road leading from Easton to Wind Gap thence by land of Mary and Juliann Kessler, North Seventy eight degrees and a quarter East thirty two perches and three quarters to a post thence by land of John H. Keller North Twenty one and a half degrees West Thirty seven perches and a half to a stone Chestnut stump by the same south fifty two and a half degrees west, Seven perches and Six tenths to the middle of said Road thence along the middle of said road and Land of Joseph Shelly South nine and a half degrees west twenty one perches to a post and by the same South twenty eight and a quarter degrees wes Eighteen perches and nine tenths to the beginning. Containing three acres, one hundred and forty seven perches more or less, which is all the real Estate of the said deed. Your petition therefore humbly prays your honor to grant to him to make sale of the said lot of land with the appurtenances for the payment of the debts of said Intestate--Where upon the Court grant the said Administrator an order to make Sale of the said premises on Saturday the Seventh day of Ocotober next at one o'clock in the afternoon of the premieses, with liberty to adjourn as to time and place and to sell in parcels if deemed expedient upon the following conditions viz. One third of the purchase money after debts and expenses are paid to remain charged on the premises for the use of the widow the interest there of to be paid to her annually during life and at her death the principal to be paid to the heirs or leagl representatives and the remaining two thirds to be paid on the first day of April next---first giving due public and timely notice of the time and place of Sale by at least three insertions in one English and in one German newspaper printed and published in the county of Northampton and by ten of more hand Bills ut up in the nost noted place of the vicinity of the premises at least twenty days prior to the day of Sale and make a report to the next stated Orphans Court.

        From the Deaths and Marriages, 1852-1870, Volume 1, in the Marx Genealogy Room at the Easton Library, Easton Pennsylvania, the following information was found. Catharine Jones Werkheiser married Ladones Buskirk on August 26, 1854. They were both from lower Mount Bethel Township.

        In the 1860 census, Milton Township, Wayne County, Ohio, was Ladones (54) and Catharine (53). Ladones was a day laborer. They were living beside the Jacob Swagler family, where Anna Elizabeth (18) was living as a servant.

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        Anna Elizabeth Werkheiser John Joseph Werkheiser Levi Henry Werkheiser