Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Pi Chapter - Wayne State University
Welcome to the Alpha Pi Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta at Wayne State University.  We are a diverse and close knit group of girls.  Our chapter has 50 active members with a wide range of academic interests, from theater and dance to medicine and law.  Our chapter received the highest GPA during the 2001 - 2002 year and ran home with the Greek Week trophy, scoring 30 points overall. We even featured in The South End.

We are proud to have one of our own crowned as the WSU Homecoming Queen in 2001 and 2002. Our Homecoming float was  pictured in the Alpha Gam

Our chapter participates in community and campus work, raising money for juvenile diabetes research,  giving tours for prospective WSU students and athletes, and so much more. Please take a few moments to browse our site and sign our guestbook. We'll see you on campus!
Amanda O'Neill, 2002 Homecoming Queen
Alpha Pi Updates
Eat at Rio Bravo to support the Opportunity Center
Noon - 8 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 16

Eat at Rio Bravo in Taylor from noon - 8 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 16, and 20 percent of your total bill will be donated to the Opportunity Center. The opportunity center is a mentoring program for at-risk youth, ages 7 - 17. Patrons must mention the Opportunity Center to their server to guarantee that the Opportunity Center will receive the donation. Rio Bravo is a 23301 Eureka Road. For more information, e-mail Shannon Brodie at
Roasting marshmallows at RTS
Our Purpose
To gain understanding that wisdom may be vouchsafed to me.

To develop and prize health and vigor of body.

To cultivate acquaintance with many whom I meet.

To cherish friendships with but a chosen few and to study the perfecting of those friendships.

To welcome the opportunity of contributing to the world's work in the community where I am placed because of the joy of service thereby bestowed and the talent of leadership multiplied.

To honor my home, my country, my religious faith.

To hold truth inviolable, sincerity essential, kindness invaluable.

To covet beauty in environment, manner, word and thought.

To possess high ideals and to attain somewhat unto them.

This shall be my purpose that those who know me may esteem Alpha Gamma Delta for her attainments, revere her for her purposes and love her for her womanhood 
Warrior Squirrel
International Headquarters
Wayne State University
Recruitment Coordinator
e-mail the Web editor:
Jessica Soulliere
Nez explains "Concert of Colors"

This Alpha Gamma Delta Cyber Circle site
is owned by Alpha Pi.
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