US War on Domestic Dissent

The new so-called "US War on Domestic Terrorism" as proclaimed unabashedly on BBC radio in the middle of January 2005, is, in reality, a War on Domestic Dissent within the USA.

The floodgates are now fully open to go after US citizens with the recent stolen and illegal "election" of George W Bush to a 2nd term as US president. Add Alberto Gonzalez (a terrorist and architect of torture policy) to the highest law enforcement position in the land as US Attorney General, and you have the makings of a crackdown on all domestic dissent (both left and right) within the USA.

US domestic dissent has always been in the crosshairs of the International Corporate, Military and Political Elite. Opponents of imperialist policies and practices at home are now labelled "terrorists" or "enemy combatants" of the State. Any challenge to the legitimacy and business interests of ultra-rich corporate America is targeted for persecution, containment, incarceration and ultimately death.

Billions of dollars are now insidiously being pumped into US intelligence agencies, the US Military, the Prison-Industrial-Complex and private corporate institutions that will be used to specifically target, surveil, investigate, track, co-opt, control and ultimately destroy all freedom of expression and dissent against the State.

The US Corporate Empire under the illegal and dictatorial Bush Administration is working feverishly to bankrupt the USA financially by fueling a bloated homeland security and military defense budget while simultaneously decimating domestic programs and services. It is constructing a fascist police state infrastructure that is even now being used to criminalize and persecute all who actively dissent in America.

The 4th Reich is here citizens of the world. Stalinist Russia, Mao's Cambodia and Hitler's Nazi Germany have arisen from their ashes only to have resurrected as the United States of America.

Let all peoples and nations throughout the world rise-up en masse to organize, confront, challenge and completely destroy this wicked nation by ANY and ALL means necessary. Already its satanic tentacles have spread deep throughout the nations. If allowed to continue, it will enslave civilization, end all life on Earth and condemn billions of souls to Hell.

Steve Jones
Rome, Italy
European Union


1. ***Book- COINTELPRO Papers: the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent
in the United States, copyright 1998
by Ward Churchill

2. InfoWars/Alex Jones
Website 1:
Website 2:
Website 3:

3. International Action Center
39 W 14th St- Suite 206, New York, New York, 10011 USA

4. Democracy Now/Amy Goodman
P.O. Box 693, New York, New York 10013 USA

5. Center for Constitutional Rights/Michael Ratner
666 Broadway, 7th floor, New York, New York 10012 USA

6. War At Home
Website: War At Home Linx

7. Green Left Weekly
P.O. Box 394, Broadway, NSW, 2007, AUSTRALIA
Website: Green Left Weekly Article

8. Stop USA Patriot Act 2

9. New World Order Police State

10. COINTELPRO in the 1990's
Website: COINTELPRO in the 1990's

11. FBI and Domestic Surveillance

12. Not in Our Name
P.O. Box 20221, Greeley Square Station, New York, New York 10001 USA

13. American Police State

14. United For Peace and Justice
P.O. Box 607, Times Square Station, New York, New York 10108 USA

15. American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broadway, 18th Floor, New York, New York 10004 USA

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