Articles about Bilingualism

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This website will not present a comprehensive review of bilingualism and research and information about bilingualism. There are certainly enough web resources that provide that information. It is recommended that you check those resources for your basic facts, information, guidelines, and research and information on how to raise you child as a bilingual.

This website provides one family's successful attempt at raising bilingual children. The system works.

Granted, it is based on a study of the research in the field. However, the research itself is not cited in this website. Instead, the reader can feel the results of the research as well as the common sense of the family in order to see how it was possible to raise a family of bilinguals.

We invite you to share our experiences and we would like to encourage you to raise bilingual children as well. We were so excited about our efforts that we started up an online forum relating to bilingualism. We invite you to join that forum as well.

Thus, this website reflects the voice of experience more than it reflects the voice of research. That does not mean that there had been no previous research which the entire method and procedure was predicated on research. However, the research itself is not reflected directly and quoted in the website.

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