Thus, the resurrection 28:1-10 16:1-18 24:1-49 20:1-23 of the Lord took place at our Saturday sunset, or thereabouts, on "the third day"; cp. "after three days" (Matt. 27:63. Mark 8:31.

It will be seen from the above that we have neither power nor authority to alter or shift any day or date; or to change the order or position of any of the events recorded in Holy Writ.

Each day is marked by a return to Bethany during the last week (up to the Preparation Day); and each day is filled with the recorded events.

It follows therefore, that the Lord was crucified on our Wednesday; was buried on that day before sunset; and remained "three days and three nights" in the tomb, as foretold by Him in Matt.12:40; rising from the dead on "the third day", "the first day of the week".

The fixed days and dates, at either end, hold the whole period as in a vise, and place the whole subject on a sure foundation.

We are children of the Light (=Christ). All prophecy concerning God's children are given in days. The 1st day of the Solar year is the first day of spring March 20th, the vernal equinox. The Solar year is a perfect calendar. To find the exact day of our Lord's crucifixion, count 14 days from the first day of spring. That is April 3rd every year, it will never change.

The prophecies concerning Satan and his children are always given in months, or Moon's-Lunar (Darkness). "Easter" (Gr. pascha = passover. NOT "EASTER". Correctly translated 24 times in NT. Passover. The 1 time incorrectly translated people jump all over it! "Easter" is not in any of the Greek manuscripts. "Easter" is a heathen diety. It is an offence to God to allow this to continue, i.e commemoration of orgies and rolling of fertility eggs & rabbits = fertility, quick as a bunny. "Easter" is a heathen term, derived from the Saxon goddess Eastre, the same as Astarte, the Syrian Venus, called Ashtoreth in the Old Testament) is always set by the full moon which is on an imperfect calendar. It is caotic & confusing. By the way the word "Babylon" translated not transliterated = "confusion". Are you a child of the Light of of Darkness?

Our Father in heaven does not like us to bring heathenistic practices into His house, especially on the Highest Holy Day of the year of Christianity. It's o.k. to go out in the world and try to bring people into His house, but don't bring in their practices. Leave that on the outside.

I am writting this NOT to rock the boat or be an offence to anybody, but to bring you the truth so you will be pleasing to God not man. It's your choice. Ignorance is not a sin in itself, but it is a sin to remain in it when you know the truth. Be tolarant of other people beliefs. But by the grace of God there go I. Plant a seed, and watch God make it grow and bring you much blessings.

In His service, your friend in Christ, Jim Dunlap.

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