Editing a DVDFlick template file 

By WaltP



Getting Ready
The Menu Template Layout
The Main Menu
Title Selection Screen
Initial setup
Title Menu
Audio and Subtitles
Testing Your Menu
Background Images
Selection Images
RGB Color Chart

Getting Ready

First thing to do is choose the format of the existing menu template you like. I will use Mosaic in these instructions. For some of the templates provided, you will eventually notice they output the text for Play \ Resume and Select title while for others those labels are in the actual image and cannot easily be changed nor moved. Look at the .bmp file to quickly see how these selections are handled.

Once you have chosen the template you wish to start with, go to the template folder for DVDflick. Normally this will be (for the Mosaic template):
         C:\Program Files\DVD Flick\templates\Mosaic

Copy all the files in this folder to a new folder under templates, for example:
         C:\Program Files\DVD Flick\templates\NewMenu

Now go into this new folder and you will see the following files:
arrowselect.bmp The image used to make a selection.
background_blue.bmp The background image for Main and Title pages.
background_green.bmp The background image for Audio pages.
background_yellow.bmp The background image for Subtitle pages.
example.bmp The image shown in DVDflick when choosing a template.
template.cfg The menu structure definition.

Make a copy of template.cfg and call it template.sav. Now when we make an error while changing the menu -- and break it -- we can get the working version back. Just copy template.sav back to template.cfg, replacing the broken menu. In addition, as you make changes, you can copy the template file as often as you wish (and under different names) so when that break happens, you don't have to redo everything

As we continue, there will be terms you may not be familiar with (like pixel, RGB color). That's OK. Think of the context where the word is used and play with the setting. It should then become apparent.

The screen size of the menu is 768x576 pixels. Keep these numbers handy as we start placing things on the menu.

The Menu Template Layout

Open the template.cfg file. You will notice the 4 lines of header used for copyright purposes. These lines can be modified between the quotes (") as you wish, or left as they are. Keeping this information properly updated will allow you to distribute the template design. Check with the DVD Flick team for any additional information before distributing templates.

The transColor line you can ignore for now. It will be explained in the Selection Images section.

The rest of the file is in 4 sections: audioMenu, subtitleMenu, mainMenu, and titleMenu. Each of these define the different Menu screens. Within these sections are the components that will be displayed on the specifies menu page.

These instruction will concentrate on the main and title menus. Once you understand how these work, audio and subtitle use the same techniques.

The { }'s are used to goup which sections go with the name specified. For example:

Everything between the first brace ({) and the last brace (}) are part of the mainMenu. Within this menu are 2 sub-sections called Title and playText. Generally, these sub-sections are the components that are to be displayed on the menu.

The Main Menu

Now let's actually get into each line of mainMenu
    backgroundImage = "background_blue.bmp";
    highlightColor = "192,0,0";
    selectColor = "255,0,0";
backgroundImage   the image displayed for the main menu screen. You may change the image to anything you want, including JPG files. Detailed information on background images can be found in Background Images.
highlightColor the color each menu selection will change to as you arrow through the menu selections.
selectColor the color a menu selection changes to when you actually choose the selection.
The colors are in RGB format. See Colors for information on how these values work.
        Type = "text";
        X = 85;
        Y = 120;
        Width = 595;
        Height = 70;
        xAlign = "left";
        yAlign = "center";
        Text = "%projectTitle%";
        Font = "Arial Black";
        fontSize = 56;
        Outline = 4;
        outlineColor = "0,0,0";
        textColor = "255,255,255";
        Bold = 1;
This sub-section defines the title on the main menu. Each line indicates:
Type the title is defined as a "text" field. Other options are "button" and "image", both of which will be used as we continue.
X & Y the upper left corner of the location on the screen where the title is placed, in pixels.
Width & Height the size of the area in which the title is placed. In this case a rectangle 595 pixels wide and 70 pixels high.
xAlign the alignment within the width parameter - valid values are 'left', 'right', 'center'.
yAlign the alignment within the height parameter - valid values are 'top', 'bottom', 'center'.
Text The actual title to be placed on the menu. You can either type in the title exactly as you want it displayed, or use %projectTitle% to grab the name of the project from the Project settings information.

        Type = "text";
        X = 147;
        Y = 382;
        Width = 200;
        Height = 40;
        Text = "Play \\ Resume";
        Font = "Arial";
        fontSize = 38;
        Outline = 2;
        outlineColor = "0,0,0";
        Bold = 1;
        textColor = "255,255,255";
This section defines how the Play/Resume menu selection looks:
Type, X, Y, Width, Height, Text -- see Title above --
textColor the color of the Play menu selection. highlightColor and selectColor above will be used as the menu is navigated.
Bold if 1, the selection will be displayed BOLD
if 0, the selection will be displayed NORMAL.
Font the text format. See the font names from Word, Excel, etc. Just type in the name of the font you wish to use, exactly as you see it.
fontSize how large/small to display the menu selection.
Outline & outlineColor The menu selection has an outline. Set its size in pixels and the color.

        Type = "text";
        X = 147;
        Y = 430;
        Width = 200;
        Height = 40;
        Text = "Select title";
        Font = "Arial";
        fontSize = 38;
        Outline = 2;
        outlineColor = "0,0,0";
        Bold = 1;
        textColor = "255,255,255";
This section defines how the Select Title menu selection looks. See the playText section for details.
        Type = "button";
        X = 120;
        Y = 396;
        selectMethod = "image";
        selectImage = "arrowselect.bmp";
        Type = "button";
        X = 120;
        Y = 444;
        selectMethod = "image";
        selectImage = "arrowselect.bmp";
The previous two sections (playText and selectText) simply define text to be displayed on the screen. These next two sections define the 'buttons' that can be selected. They are tied to the previous sections only in that they are placed near the appropriate text. Otherwise, there is no internal connection.
Type a selectable 'button'.
X & Y the location of the button. In this case it's next to the text.
selectMethod the type of display for this button - image, text, or outline.
If text, you can add keywords pertaining to text as described above.
If image, supply an image name using the selectImage keyword. That image will be used as a pointer.
If outline, the color of the outline will change
selectImage the name of the image to display for an image method. See Selection Images for details about the image.

That defines the main screen for the Mosaic menu.

Title Selection Screen

This is the screen where you select the videos that you are adding to the DVD. The screen can contain a thumbnail of your choosing and/or the title of the video. We will assume there are 3 videos in this project.

Initial setup

After you add your titles to DVDflick, click on Edit Titles. On the General tab, you can change the name of the video to whatever you like. This will be the title that is displayed on this Title Screen. Next, you can change the Thumbnail Time Index so it is showing a frame from the video you would like display. I try to go for a title or a star's face, something significant from the video. This will be the thumbnail on the Title Screen. Once this is done, we're ready to create the Title Page. Actually, this can be done anytime before authoring the DVD, but might as well get it done before you get to the menus.
As we go through the Title section, most of the keywords have already been defined above. So we will concentrate on new concepts and keywords.

Title Menu

The first thing in the Title section is the backgroundImage, highlightColor, and selectColor. These are identical to the Main section.

The next 3 sections we come to are inherited formatting sections. The defaultThumb section will help define values that each thumbnail on the screen will use.
        Type = "image";
        Parent = 1;
        Width = 170;
        Height = 128;
        Outline = 4;
        outlineColor = "0,0,0";
        selectMethod = "outline";

Except for Parent, each of these values are the same as before. Parent defines this sub-section as an inherited section. This means the section will not directly be displayed on the screen, but rather used to enhance one of the sections that will be displayed. The inherited sections allow many displayed items to be defined in one place rather than each item duplicating identical values. In this case, each thumbnail that inherits this definition will be 170x128 pixels in size, and the outline will change to RED (255,0,0) when selected.

        Type = "text";
        Parent = 1;
        Width = 288;
        Height = 34;
        xAlign = "center";
        Font = "Arial";
        fontSize = 18;
        textColor = "255,255,255";
        Outline = 2;
        Bold = 1;
        outlineColor = "0,0,10";
        selectMethod = "text";
Each title (or caption) will inherit all these attributes.
        Type = "button";
        Parent = 1;
        Y = 512;
        Width = 128;
        xAlign = "center";
        Font = "Arial";
        fontSize = 20;
        Bold = 1;
        textColor = "255,255,255";
        Outline = 2;
        outlineColor = "0,0,10";
        selectMethod = "text";
The bottom button attributes. Notice that only the Y location has been defined. This way each individual button will be on one line, but they will define their own X location.

We will see how these attribute definitions are used momentarily.

        Type = "text";
        X = 64;
        Y = 48;
        Width = 640;
        Height = 48;
        yAlign = "center";
        xAlign = "center";
        Text = "%projectTitle%";
        Font = "Arial Black";
        fontSize = 56;
        Outline = 4;
        outlineColor = "0,0,10";
        textColor = "255,255,255";
        Bold = 1;
The Title section is the same as in mainMenu above. The Project Title will be displayed centered within a 640 pixel wide and 128 pixel high rectangle. Upper left corner at location (64,48).
Each individual thumbnail is now defined.
        Inherit = "defaultThumb";
        thumbID = 1;
        X = 144;
        Y = 128;
        Inherit = "defaultThumb";
        thumbID = 2;
        X = 464;
        Y = 128;
        Inherit = "defaultThumb";
        thumbID = 3;
        X = 144;
        Y = 326;
First, we inherit the above definitions from defaultThumb.
Then define which thumbnail goes with which title using thumbID. Id #1 is title #1, etc.
Finally specify where on the screen the thumbnail is displayed using X and Y.
Now, each caption/title is displayed.
        Inherit = "defaultThumbCaption";
        thumbID = 1;
        X = 86;
        Y = 264;
        Inherit = "defaultThumbCaption";
        thumbID = 2;
        X = 404;
        Y = 264;
        Inherit = "defaultThumbCaption";
        thumbID = 3;
        X = 86;
        Y = 462;
Just like the thumbnails above, the captions inherit the defaultThumbCaption settings. Then the caption is matched with the video using thumbID. Finally the location is specified.
These definitions are the extra buttons used. Specifically main menu, next page, and previous page.
        Inherit = "defaultBottomButton";
        Text = "Main Menu";
        X = 320;
        xAlign = "center";
        Inherit = "defaultBottomButton";
        Text = "Next page";
        X = 576;
        xAlign = "right";
        Inherit = "defaultBottomButton";
        Text = "Previous page";
        X = 64;
        xAlign = "left";

They start with inheriting the defaultBottomButton settings. Then the button Text is defined. Finally location and alignment.

The Main Menu button will return to the Main menu.
Previous and Next will be displayed only when there are more videos than defined on the title page. So, in our case, if two videos are loaded, only Main Menu will be displayed. But if 5 videos are loaded, 3 videos will be displayed with Main Menu and Next on page 1. On page 2, the last 2 videos, Main Menu, and Previous. More than 6, well, you get the idea.

Audio and Subtitles

Now that you understand the basics, the Audio Menu and Subtitle Menu use the same techniques.

Testing Your Menu

Testing is simply loading the menu after you make changes.

In DVDFlick, after loading your videos, choose Menu Settings. Choose your menu from the list on the left and place a check in Enable Menu. Now, simply click on Preview and your menu is displayed. You can use the mouse to highlight and select choices. When you see a change that you want to make,
1) edit the template
2) save your changes
3) exit the menu (press ESC or right-click) and you'll be back to the settings screen.
4) select Preview again.

If you made a change that causes an error, DVDFlick will disappear. You can either try to find and repair the error (doing this will come with time) or copy one of your saved configurations back onto template.cfg. This is why after a few changes, you should make another copy of the file. You are then never far from a restorable copy.

Background Images

The size of each of the menu pages are 768x576 pixels, or a 4:3 ratio. You can use any image you can find, and they don't have to be exactly that size. The image you choose will be stretched or shrunk to fit. But if the image is not a 4:3 ratio, the background may look off. Also, they don't have to be .bmp files. You can also use .jpg and .gif images too.

Selection Images

The images used for everything except backgrounds are best defined with only 2 colors:

  1. a light foreground color (preferably white). This color will be replaced by the color specified by the selectColor keyword.
  2. a darker background color. Use the color defined with the transColor keyword at the top of the file.
To create or edit the image, I use the simple Paint program that comes with Windows©.

The transColor keyword is used to make portions of an image transparent, allowing the background image to show through. For example, if you look at the arrowselect.bmp image. Notice the two colors, white (0,0,0) and magenta (255,0,255). And transColor is defined as magenta. So when the arrow image is displayed, the magenta disappears and the background shows through. Therefore, only the arrows are shown. But never use .jpg files because the images are compressed which causes the edges to blend together and therefore will not 'disappear' properly. The recommendation is to make all images that need transparent sections .bmp files. You should also be able to use .gif or .png files, just verify the image carefully.


All keywords are case sensitive. Make sure each keyword is specified exactly as shown in this table.
Keyword Values Description
Inherit defined sub-section Reads in another sub-section that contains additional formatting definitions to be used by this display item
Parent 1 Defines a section tha will not display, but can be inherited
highlightColor RGB color The color a selection will change to as you move through the menu
outlineColor RGB color The color that outlines the item's display
selectColor RGB color The color a selection will change to as you select the item
textColor RGB color The color of the displayed text for the item
transColor RGB color The transparent color used when an image is displayed
audioID video number The number of the audio channel associated with a video
subID video number The number of the subtitle entry associated with a video
thumbID video number The number of the video for this menu title selection
Bold 0=no bold
Text can be normal or bold
Font font name Then font for the text selection, use font name exactly as displayed in any other program
fontSize numeric value The size the font will be displayed in
Height size in pixels The height of the area associated with a displayed item
Width size in pixels The width of the area associated with a displayed item
X and Y location in pixels The upper left corner of the display area
xAlign center
The horizontal alignment of the item within the area defined
yAlign center
The vertical alignment of the item within the area defined
Type button
The type of item being defined
Outline number of pixels The size of the outline surrounding the item
Text %projectTitle%
menu title
The text displayed for an item defined as a text Type
backgroundImage image file name The image displayed for the menu page background
Image image file name
selectMethod image
The type of display for a menu selection
selectImage image file name The image used when a selectMethod is defined as "image"


Colors are specified in RGB (Red, Green, Blue) format. The first number is how much red, the second is green, the last blue. These numbers range from 0 to 255.

For example, black is 0,0,0 (no red, green, nor blue), while white is 255,255,255 (full red, green, and blue).

Each of the color values in the template can be set to any RGB value you would like to use. For example, each section has a highlightColor (192,0,0 -- a medium red) and a selectColor (255,0,0 -- a bright red).

At the end of this file is a chart of some of the colors. If you want to tweak a specific color, just change the values to slightly modify it. Go ahead an play around with the colors in the templates.

RGB Color Chart
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































