06/08/03: We had our to-go-out mail stolen from our mailbox on Friday morning...that made for a fun weekend of cancelling accounts and such.  It's been really warm and hot, very unseasonal if you ask me.  But thank goodness I'm not in the South or the East Coast, I know it would be worse. :) 
06/13/03: Ooh, Friday the Thirteenth...wait, it's past midnight, so it's over. Phew.  The worst thing that happened to me was a headache and ongoing sleepiness.
    I have gone shopping a lot lately, but at inexpensive places, so I have gotten lots of return on my effort.  Oh, and it has been an effort. 
    It's been nearly two weeks that I've been out of commission, so to speak, because of knee pain.  A week ago something twisted funny in my left knee and I could hardly walk for two days.  Then, of course, the strain on my right knee from limping on it made that one hurt even more.  I went to an orthopedist and was diagnosed with patellar tendonitis, for which I received prescriptions for anti-inflammatory and physical therapy (the
other PT).  During the last week and a half, the former has not relieved any pain or discomfort, and the latter has seemed to increase it.  Hmm.  Anyway, the rest definitely helps (I have been working out three to four times a week for three months now, and apparently it was tough on my li'l ol' joints), and the extra time is wonderful.  Somehow I squander it though, so I still feel like I don't get anything done.  Oh well. Unfortunately, the rest has also necessitated some of that aforementioned shopping...I gained about seven pounds in the first few days of not working out.  What a week it was. 
     A week from today, Stacey and I will be able to officially move into our new apartment in Renton!  I am totally unprepared...my stuff is once again scattered across several zip codes.  Sigh, I must face the challenge of packing everything I own and at long last (attempting to, anyway) having it all in the same place with me.  Actually, that's never happened before, so wish me luck.  It will require quite a lot of effort and energy, not to mention boxes and packing tape.  Dammit, more shopping.  Ah, the shopping.  There's so much I'll need, now that I'll actually be moving out on my own.
I suppose it's really summer now, huh?
06/29/03: Well. It's been a week that Stacey and I have been in the new place.  It's coming along nicely. We have the kitchen, with real groceries and implements, set up properly, and had a cable modem installed yesterday.  My room is not exactly clean but most of the junk is in boxes in the gargantuan wall closet.  We have a couple new lamps and small tables; next will be a sofa of some kind, proper coffee table, more lamps, and of course a television and VCR.  I'm finding myself grateful that my expenses of late have been so minimal that I can afford to do all this. 
     The week has been very busy with work and stuff.  I finished up my physical therapy prescription for the ol' knees...woo.  At some point I fully intend to begin a slow return to regular workouts.  Honestly, these weeks of nothing have really made a difference, and now the effort to get back into shape will be difficult all over again.  Sigh.  Not to whine, or anything.  I know it's my fault.  And that's my downfall, because for the most part I don't really care. 
    So yeah, the fifth installment of Harry Potter was excellent, as anticipated.  I was really excited to get a copy on the day it came out in stores, and had to start reading as soon as I possibly could.  Frankly, I'm disappointed it took a whole week to read it...but I have had very little free time this week.  Another thing I  fully intend to do is reread the previous four to remind myself of everything, then maybe read number five again.  Stupid waiting a long time between new ones!!  ....  A couple weeks ago I went on a spree at the Bellevue library...I got seven books or something obscene like that.  Rarr.  I'm nearly done with the third of those.  Yay books. A couple weeks ago I tried to start reading Schindler's List, but the writing/grammar was poor enough to distract me from the story.  I guess that means I'll just have to watch the movie.
07/09/03: So I've been official now for about a week, have email and voice mail all set up...very neat.  Somehow, though, work got exponentially tougher; I have more piles, bigger piles, and I get all flustered more.  The past week or so I've been sick, with my summertime strep/cold thing (made for an excellent holiday weekend, let me tell you), and of course my gravelly voice and coughing fits make phone calls a real treat.  I'm doing my best not to take it all too personally, to not get caught up and over-stressed, although it's awfully frustrating to have such a messy desk.  I just can't seem to get caught up and organized.  But it's fine!  Really, it will be fine.  Yeah. 
      So.  Welcome to Complacency Land.  I am now the official Resident Couch Potato.  I don't do anything. Since I bought the tv over the weekend (and got my mom's extra VCR--she's using mine back at her place), I have spent altogether WAY too many hours slumped in Stacey's leather chair, slack-jawed and spaced out in front of that evil box.  Sigh. 
     In other news, I got an email through the AmeriCorps Association about the danger that AmeriCorps is facing in Congress right now.  It makes me sick to think about what might happen...but I have put off doing anything about it. I actually started a letter to Email My Elected Representatives, but man...I am so bad at that kind of stuff.  It feels to trite and cheesy to say "AmeriCorps changed my life, please do everything you can to keep it running so it can change more lives," but damn, it's the truth.  I want to write something profound, provocative, memorable, something that will catch the attention of whatever poor aide has been assigned to read the messages from the masses.  You know?  More likely, however, I will ramble on, disparately, desparately, trying to get my point across in way too many words.
    Speaking of words, I'm working my way through
Made in America, by Bill Bryson, and it's freaking awesome.  It's like a history of America with a linguistic eye.  Truly fascinating.  For instance, did you know "Idaho" is a made-up word? They needed a name for the state and someone thought it up to be sort of Indian-sounding.  Very weird.  And Abner Doubleday had absolutely nothing to do with baseball, that uber-American (but in reality, completely not) pastime.  It's exactly the type of book I wish I could have researched or written.  I love obscure facts about random stuff that everyone takes for granted. 