07/19/03: Late last week I decided to take a walk on my lunch hour.  And then I decided to do it every day. Two days into it I discovered a creek and trail directly behind my office complex.  It has been absolutely beautiful weather, what a wonderful summer.  Even though the creek itself is small, cloudy and runs next to the sewage treatment plant, the greenery surrounding the water is literally a breath of fresh air.  I have been amazed to find that during that 30 or 40 minutes, my mind just is free.  Nothing is weighing on me, I don't feel stress about work or life or whatever, I'm just there in the moment, listening to whatever CD is in the walkman.  (Norah Jones' record is fabulous, by the way.)  Yesterday I had my best walk yet--it was all I could do to bring myself back inside, back to work.  I just got in the groove, loving the sunshine on my shoulders, listening to Alanis, walking hard and fast like there was no tomorrow. 
     Yesterday I remembered the time I did a read-aloud for the team.  It was at TrailBlazers, after I had started working on the library and going on reading binges.  I read them
The Giving Tree, because I always loved that book.  I got to nearing the end, and I said, okay I have to stop because I'm going to start crying.  The team laughed, but I said, no, I'm serious! as a couple tears escaped.  Then someone else finished it up for me.  There's some kind of deep statement there about friendships and teamwork.  Or maybe I'm just too darn mushy. Ha.
More of the same drivel...
08/01/03: So July is over now.  It has been a real summer lately, warm and dry and restless.  Work is crazy still, my patience is tried at least once a day with difficult phone calls, but we still have fun.  I have money right now and I want to shop.  I don't really know how or when or where, but I'm just in that mood to spend.  This past week passed in a blur.  Since Thursday was the end of the month, and usually it falls at the end of a week, it feels like today was a Monday.  So I keep forgetting that now it's a weekend again.  Somehow the weekend is pretty packed, without my doing.  That is odd.  Last Sunday, save for the brunch with Dan, I spent the day doing absolutely nothing.  Watching television, movies, napping on the sofa, it felt wonderful.  I didn't even work last weekend.  So of course this weekend I need to buckle down and work a lot.  I really should, and I will love the overtime.  I'm just so...lazy and tired and boring.  I don't really know what to do enough to actually do anything, if that makes sense.  
      I've been walking, and beginning to slowly get back into working out.  I wish I could have more time for it but not spend any time doing it.  I feel like I don't have time for doing anything, or doing nothing.  I've been reading a lot, trying to stay away from the evil box, and trying to get more sleep.  Haven't decided if it's working or not, though.  In fact, it's only 9.30 right now, but I find myself kind of sleepy.  I shall lie down and read now.  Good night.
08/03/03: Today I watched an Italian film called Pane e Tulipani (Bread and Tulips).  I loved it.  I want to be that movie.  There's something magical about foreign films, no extreme camera shots, the way the music is so different--no top 40 hits in the soundtrack; simpler sounds that convey more emotion or something--and I love how the actors in any foreign film are just everyday people.  Other cultures clearly don't need to see gorgeous people in every role of every movie.  It's wonderful. 
08/09/03: So. It has been a long, lonely, single week.  I have worked a lot of overtime, so at least I can feel productive.  By the end of the week, boy was I struggling.  I had a serious case of the Friday fidgets most of yesterday.  Got through it, though.  I even "processed" a file this week (I put it in quotation marks because I sat and did whatever my colleague told me to do.  In any case, it was sort of exciting).  Picked up my new set of contacts, it only took two months to figure that all out.  My knees got to twinging a little too much, about halfway through the week, and so I haven't been walking or working out.  I do feel sluggish, but I like having more time to sit and read.  I've been zipping through all kinds of books lately.  Got to talk with several of my former teammates this week, that was great.  Sometimes I can picture things from last year so perfectly in my head, and it just blows my mind that it's over.  It's funny though, because I've been reading my journals from last year, and there were so many low times!  It was a really tough experience and sometimes I wasn't sure I could make it.  Now, though, it seems all rosy and pretty and friendly.  I think it's a good thing to not stay bitter (or at least not about everything :).  Plus, despite the fact that our team was not usually a cohesive whole last year, and I didn't know all of them perhaps as well as I should have, it now seems like we all belong to each other.  We all want to know what happening with the others.  It's a nice, family-ish feeling.
       Today I cleaned and went out to town, running exciting errands to start decorating our empty-walled apartment.  I was also fortunate to find all the world's most annoying people, in the Tukwila Kinko's.  Who knew?  Let's hope I have the energy to finish the effort.  Good luck.
08/12/03: So seriously, this past weekend was all about the annoying people. I kept almost running into all these terrible drivers.  Yucky.  Another thing about the weekend that was only a little annoying/yucky, and ultimately "about damn time," was the cleaning of my bedroom and bathroom.  It was the first real clean since we moved in over a month ago.  I love that feeling of looking around and being able to see the great difference after a nice effort to make it all pretty. 
       Now it's Tuesday.  I am not quite fully rested of late, so here's to hoping for some early bedtimes.  Hurrah for no social life!
       However, now with more time on my hands and more disposable income, I am finally getting started on the decorating "projects" I've been meaning to start.  Plus, my dad brought over some extra furniture, so now there are a whole bunch of places for people to sit, plus a coffee table.  And over the weekend I got a toaster. The table and toaster are very exciting updates for us.  I finally got enlargements for all my beautiful travel pictures and I am going to put those up in an exhibit type thing.  And we're going to put up calendar pictures (of Greece and of sunsets) and a world map on some of the living room walls  Wish me luck completing it all.  After that I want to stain our wood table and storage thing--fun with paintbrushes!
       Oh! I know. I hereby, formally apologize and beg forgiveness from everyone I've ever had to spend extended time with for any whining/bitching/complaining/general moodiness I have ever done.  I know it's not pretty and not nice and completely unpleasant, and I heartily thank everyone who still talkes to me.  I will be better. :)