Artifact Lady

Feel free to write to me:



ARTIFACTLADY (the story)

ArtifactLady Homepage

A photo from Sweden

I started this web site to list items that I collected and loved once, but now they need to be in a new home.  I learned that my neighbors have similar items that are ready to "move on."  If the item appears here, it might already be sold...but I will pass on any inquiries to the new owner.

If you have items that you would like to exhibit on my page, please contact me at 954 205 0666 in Fort Lauderdale.  
Click HERE for ART

Complaints about the appearance of the web site can go to my husband, my webmaster. 

This is a  web site for:

Positive attitudes

Positive stories

Positive shopping

If you bring a sunny attitude to this web page, you'll get a sunny attitude in return.


My husband likes this statue.  The artist is planning to sell replicas.  If you are interested, visit

(it's not the statue of whirled peas)
My friend Wayan Merta runs a guided tour in Bali.  He helped me find some of the bargains that I've sold before...

Here I am in Costa Rica, hunting for bargains.