Christ the Eternal Tao
Image Gallery

Christ the Eternal Tao

Christ the Eternal Tao

Ikon Not Made by Hands
Pharmakon Athanasias

Medicine of Immortality
Extreme Humility
Followers of the Way

Immortals in the Tao
Illustrated Life of Christ

Eastern Sages Adore the Tao

Tao Incarnate

Eastern Sages Adore the Tao
Immortal Mary &
Christ the Tao

On Heavenly Clouds
Immortal Mary &
Christ the Tao

detail image
Christ the Tao Teaches

"One Thing Is Needful"
Christ the Tao's

Supreme Compassion
Christ the Tao

raises a girl from death
Christ the Tao is

refused by rich young man
Christ the Tao

forgives woman caught in
Tao Calms the Storm Waves
Good Shepherd

willing to die for
his sheep
Christ the Tao teaches

"Let the Children Come to Me"
Christ the Tao

enters the Holy City
Mystical Supper

Sharing the Medicine of

Supreme Compassion
suffers with us for us

Christ the Tao tramples
death by death

The Tao Ascends to Heaven

Immortal Mary, Birthgiving Virgin


Gabriel's Tidings of
the Tao's Incarnation
Immortal Mary &
Christ the Tao

Beneath a Tree

Immortal Mary
Taken to Heaven

Chinese Immortals

Immortal Catholic Martyrs

(Not All Pictured)
Immortal Catholic Martyrs

(Not All Pictured)
Immortal Eastern Orthodox Martyrs

(Not All Pictured)

Learn more about the Immortal Catholic Martyrs here.

Immortals of Other Asian Nations

Immortal Andrew Kim

Korean Scholar & Martyr

Immortal Paul Miki

Nagasaki Japanese Martyr

26 Immortal Nagasaki Martyrs

Crucified Japanese Catholics
103 Immortal Korean Catholics

Tao-Bearing Immortals from the West

Immortal Francis Xavier

Bore Christ to Japan
Died in China
Father Matteo Ricci

Bore Christ to China
Scientist & Revered Westerner
Immortal Maximillian Kolbe

Bore Christ in Japan
Martyred at Auschwitz
Father Robert de Nobili

Bore Christ to India
Immortal Josef Freinademetz

Bore Christ to China

Many of these images are actually larger than they appear here, but some are smaller. Please excuse any distortion in their presentation.

If you like these images, please view the second gallery as well.

If you have images which are suitable for this gallery (e.g. Asian Christian Immortals, Asian Christian art, etc.), please email John Augustine with more information.