The Secret Catholic Church of China
Under the current regime in China, it is illegal to belong to the Catholic Church, in full communion with the Pope and all the Catholic churches around the world. Chinese members of the Catholic Church are severely persecuted in that country. They are pressured by deceit, bullying, threats, fines, and torture to renounce their faith in Christ and His Church, yet many stay true in secret. This page is dedicated to the Secret Catholic Church in China. The photographs were taken in the mid-1990s by Xiao-Ming Li.
Secret Catholic prayer gathering in Tibet
Secret Catholics pray together aboard a fishing boat
Secret Catholic family prays together at night
Secret Catholic with the coffin he made for himself
Secret Catholic bishop administers the sacraments to a sick person
Secret Catholic funeral
Learn about the Holy Immortal Catholic Martyrs of China.
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John Augustine
Catholic Taoist