Moonscape Photography October 2002
These photos were all time lapse photographs taken by the light of the moon (no, I'm not kidding).  Unfortunately, I had to cut the session short due to dew, but you can see some interesting details (such as star trails).
McAfee Farm at night My backyard
This is a picture of the neighborhood overlooking the valley.  The exposure time was three minutes at f/4.  The exposure was cut short by a police cruiser, he was curious why I was photographing the neighborhood in the dark. 
This was a 12 minute exposure at f/16, I was just playing around with the f stop and the exposure times and this really seemed to work well with picking up foreground detail without overexposing the sky.  Note the bright star in the lower right portion of the sky is saturn.
Moonscaped house
First quarter moon at mancamp
Just a three minute photo shot at f/4 but seems to be overexposed.  There are a couple of faint stars visible above the house.
This is actually a leftover first quarter moon photo shot about two weeks before the moonscape photos.  I caught the moon setting up at the camp, this was 1/8 of a second with the new f9 refractor.