My equipment
My astronomy equipment, always changing, but as of 11/21/01, this is the collection.
he-man scope
My Meade 12"LX200 with vanslyke flip mirror, f/7 560mm homemade refractor mounted on top and a 300mm olympus OM-1 mounted underneath.  This was taken at the end of a photographing session cut short because of heavy frost/dew. 
Meade AR-5.  5" Achromatic refractor up on the square in Chesterville Maine.  It's mounted on a GM-8 and as of 2.11.03, I've yet to actually get a photo with it because of problems with the mount.  However, I've got my hopes up that I'll get some good astrophotos with this.
Meade 10" Newtonian reflector.  This was taken 12/15/01 on "the square" up at the camp in Chesterville, Maine.  It's a wonderful dark sky sight but cooooollllld!  Update -- this scope and mount were not very good for photography, so I sold it off to finance the purchase of the refractor.