Karl Barth (1886-1968) has been arguably the most significant and, in one way or another, the most influential theologian of the twentieth century.  If the number of recent publications are anything to measure his continuing importance by, it appears that the twentieth first century cannot forget him either.  The indications are that Barth's shadow still casts itself over much of what passes for theological discourse. 
         This 'Karl Barth' page has been composed with the intention of:
-- Reminding academic theology and the churches of the continuing significance of Barth's work;
-- Encouraging a better acquaintance with his work
Challenging many of the ways in which Barth is commonly popularly understood;
-- Providing a forum for refocusing reflections on his oeuvre;
-- Making widely available some of my own (developing) thoughts on Barth's life and theology. 
Theological Papers
John C. McDowell, Hope in Barth's Eschatology:  Interrogations and Transformations Beyond Tragedy (Ashgate, 2000)
Edinburgh Courses
Mike A. Higton and John C. McDowell (eds.), Conversing With Barth (forthcoming, Ashgate, 2004)
My Barth Papers
Publications Listing
Curriculum Vitae
Links to Others' Barth Papers
Karl Barth,  Final Testimonies
Karl Barth-Archiv und Karl Barth-Stiftung
Karl Barth's Writings
Karl Barth, 'The Real Church'
Karl Barth, 'Nazism and Communism'
Karl Barth, Christ and Adam
Karl Barth, 'Revelation'
Karl Barth, 'A Theological Dialogue'
Karl Barth, 'How My Mind Has Changed in this Decade'
Karl Barth, 'Protestantism and Architecture'
Internet Journal of Theology and Religion
Subject Site Index
Donald MacKinnon
Rowan Williams
"Theology is a peculiarly beautiful discipline.  Indeed, we can confidently say that it is the most beautiful of all disciplines. To find academic study distasteful is the mark of the Philistine.  It is an extreme form of Philistinism to find, or to be able to find, theology distasteful. The theologian who labors without joy is not a theologian at all.  Sulky faces, morose thoughts and boring ways of speaking are intolerable in this field." [Karl Barth]