John McDowell's
Theology and Philosophy Page
In Memorium
Marcella Althaus-Reid (1952-2009)
An internationally esteemed and deeply valued former colleague who will be sorely missed.
The Barmen Synod and Theological Declaration 75 Years On
'Resistance is Futile?  Barmen Today'  A short article in the
Newcastle Herald (forthcoming, March 2009)
From 1st January 2009 I have been in a new academic post at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia - the email link has been updated.  Please direct all written correspondence to
Prof. John McDowell
Morpeth Professor of Theology
School of Humanities and Social Science
MC108 McMullin Building
University of Newcastle
Callaghan Campus
University Drive
Australia, NSW 2308
John C. McDowell The Gospel According to Star Wars:  Faith, Hope and the Force (Westminster John Knox Press, 2007). Mike Higton and John C. McDowell (eds.), Conversing With Barth (Ashgate, 2004)

Featuring Papers by
Nicholas Lash            David Clough
John Webster            Ben Quash
George Hunsinger      Mike Higton
David Ford                Katherine Sonderegger
Eugene Rogers          John C. McDowell
Timothy Gorringe
Graham Ward
"The Force is strong with this one"
(Darth Vader)
Most Recently Added Pages
Newcastle University Courses
Curriculum Vitae
Publications List

01/03/09 'Resistance is Futile?  Barmen Today' (
Short Notes)

26/11/09 'Batman and the Evilness of Evil', by Ash Cocksworth (
Short Notes)

03/12/07 '"Openness to the World":  Karl Barth's Evangelical Theology of Christ as the Pray-er' (
Barth Papers)

03/12/07 'The Politics of a Mel-Placed Passion and Displaced Bodies' (
About Me
In all Philosophy there is not so dark a thing as light.  As the sun which is fors lucis naturalis  is the most evident thing to be seen, and yet the hardest to be looked upon, so is natural light to our reason and understanding.

John Donne (1573-1631)
Karl Barth Page
Theological Papers
Rowan Williams
Newcastle University  Courses
Edinburgh University Theology Courses
Whoever studies theology do so because to study it is (quite apart from any personal aims of the student) necessary, good, and beautiful in relationship to the service to which he has been called.  Theology must possess him so completely that he can be concerned with it only in the manner of a studiosis

Karl Barth (1881-1968)
Evangelical Theology
Publications List
Curriculum Vitae
The Passion of the Christ
Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code
John C. McDowell,  The Gospel According to Star Wars:  Faith, Hope and the Force (WJK, 2007)
John C. McDowell,  Hope in Barth's Eschatology:  Interrogations and Transformations Beyond Tragedy (Ashgate, 2000)
Mike A. Higton and John C. McDowell (eds.), Conversing With Barth (Ashgate, 2004)
My Info:
Name: Prof. John C. McDowell
Morpeth Professor of Theology, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Click Here to Mail Me
This Page was last modified on 26th Feb 2009