Best if viewed with Ransom. Download here.

Buster Brags

Handsome Buster

Howdy! My name is Buster Brewer. Regardless of what dem sisfurs of mine say I am the boss of the Brewer Gang. As da oldest tomz I take care of dem all. Nuttin gets past me. Mewse will see when mew check out my memfurship cards and awards below. I'm jus gettin my paws into tangs on the web. Just mew wait until I gets te hang of it all!


Agent 008

It is my prud duty to be an Agent of da Agency.. I can say no more. secrecy and all that!


I is a prud memfur of TOMZRULE, a boyz only club. No girlz allowed. I can git away from my nosey, mean sisfurs and be wif offur tomz.

I purrticipated in da Nipzterbaccy Spittin Cattest. I din't win furst but I sur had fun!



Dis is my meeting hat.



CLAW Memfur

CLAW is a wonderfur kitty club that has something for every kitty that wants to improve hisself. Their motto is to Purr and Serve. I is jsut in one club offur there but it is sure a gud place to be.

Baron of CLAW

I am a Baron at CLAW. Someday I may jus be a Prince.!

Back Seat Kitty Support Group

I do enjoy the Back Seat Support Group. It's a group for kitties that haf siblings that is furry active in CLAW. I sure enjoy da activities!



I worked real hard fur both of tese awards.


TCMC Memfur

The Cats Meow Club is a place where Cats go to have fun. I like nuttin beffur than havin fun. Why don't mew join me a t TCMC.

On The Prowl

Like to hunt? Me too. At tha On The Prowl Club I hunt effury month. I find all kinds of neat stuff and fun too. They even haf a game room.



Dis is da bestest thing I haf received. It is frum my best bud, Sam da Man! Tanks \Sam!!!

Sam's Pages

eMail Buster

Spay and Neuter

 Garden Graphics



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