Finally, my own web
page! I'm da cute white kitty picfurred above. I haf lots of
red markings just like a flame point Siamese. Da offur kitty
in dis picfur iz my sisfur, Tigger. She may be gray but she has
lots of red highlights too. We are the youngest memfurs of the
Brewer Gang. These pages are my tales and adventures.
Last October Farfur
rescued us when he was on his way to git coffee at a the local
cafe. School kids were throwing rocks at Tigger and me. Dey didn't
want us to pester dem so dey was trying to kill us. Imagine as
cute as we are! We wuz just hungry and wanted to be held. So
when I say rescued I mean it. He took us home to Meowmie and
need I say more. We had a home, fud and luff. Buster, our big
brofur, took us under his paw and protected us from Spike and
Sammy. He taight us all the things kitties needs to no. Now he
iz teaching me all da things a tom needz to no. I iz a fast learner.
I don't need protection from Sammy and Spike no more. I can pester
dem all by myself and I doez too!
Speanking of fud, have
mew tried Whisker Lickin's Cat Treats. I luff dem, almost as
much as Meowmie and Tigger. I pester Meowmie and Farfur all nite
to git more of dem treats. I pester dem mopst of da day to git
more treats. I want dem treats fur all my meals. If any of mew
tomz out dere know how I can dew dis, please e-mail
me and let me no. I luff dem treats!
I am a memfur of CLAW. CLAW teaches kitties to Purr
and Serve. Dat seems to be real important to Spike and Meowmie.
I did enjoy going to school offur dere. Here iz my certicates
dat I haf earned so far.
I rekomend Kittengarten
to all kittens. I leanred how to play, my abc's, litter box manners,
killing bites and lots of offur usful stuff. It wuz loads of
fun twe.
See, I effun haf a certificate
dat says I can play gud! |
Afur Kittengarten I
started rite into CLAW University. Check dis out. Not bad fur
a kitten.
I iz also a memfur
of TCMC. Dey are my kind of group - kitties dat like to play.
Now dat I am a grown
up tom I haf joined all da offur tomz in TomzRule. Itz a tomz
only club sew I can git aways frum my sisfurs and do disgusting
tomz stuff. Iz still tryin to figure out what disgusting studd
iz tomz dew but I'm sure I will learn. Buster and my offur favorite
tom, Sam da Man, iz gonna teach me.
Sam made me dis really
cool tool belt and hat juz like his. I just luff it and wear
it all da time. I want to be just like Sam!