I don't like having my picture taken, never have. I'm one of those behind the scences cats. I was the first in my family to learn HTML and graphics. I keep Meowmie and my sisfurs up to speed on new developments. I encourage my Meowmie to keep moving and not give up. For a long time I belonged to the CLAW Cat's Who Support Humans Group. Now at 18 and find myself slowing down some. My sisfurs are taking the lead. Still I keep my paws in a few activities.
I am going to have to make a page with all my degrees. I just received my Honorable Degree from CLAW. I have also been accepted to receive a Master of Home and Technical from TCMC Cativersity. If my secretary will give me a bit more time I will earn my Ph.D. In Human Relations at TCMC Cativersity. Do mew have trouble with sisfurs taking all mewr secretaries time?
One of my favorite of all my internet jobs is to be on the CLAW Problems and Solutions Committee. It gives me a chance to test the knowledge I have learned over the years.
I volunteered to be on the Social committee at TCMC. I just love getting cards and I sure enjoy sending them too. Mew like greeting cards don't mew?
Big kitties like to play too. So I can play really well I haf joined the Fuzzy Kitty Society. We have an egroup that is so much fun. I can mew with other kitties anytime I want.
A dream come true, CLAW is back and better than ever. We are learning to be more caring and ethical kitties.
You are welcome to drop by and see my Dorm Room, 5:2 at TCMC Cativersity Dorms.
I have been accepted to Hope's Pampered Princesses. I must admit I am a pampered kitty. Every wish is granted. I have my humans furry well trained.
Do mew like kittens. They are so cute. I never had one of my own. I am furry happy to have the cutest little grandkit efur. His name is Tommy Boy and he is so special.
I received this award. Just knowing my grandkit is award enuff!
Read my Autobiography. I have had a very eventful life.