* * *
Russians Seek
Satellite News
London-- Russia's Acad-
emy of Sciences has sent out
an appeal to all world science
organizations and radio ama-
teurs who made recordings of
the signals of the Russian moon
rocket to report on their re-
cordings to Moscow.
* * *
Reds Demand
Civilians Returned
P'anmunjom-- Communist
North Korea demanded the re-
turn of civilians who it said
had been "forcibly abducted"
during the Korean war.
The U.N. command replied
that the North Koreans who
went south were voluntary ref-
ugees who could go home if
they wanted. The U.S. spokes-
man, U.S. Rear Adm. Ira H.
Nunn rejected the demand.
* * *
Draft Dodgers
Have Troubles
Naples, Italy-- [ ]
Rully and Michele Lu[ ]