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Trash Can Archeology

This is the junk I do when procrastinating.


Over the Thanksgiving break of 2001 my dad dragged my brother and I with him to an apartment building my mom and dad had just bought. The purpose of our trip was to remodel an apartment that had been left in bad disrepair by the previous tenant of 9 years. The process involved painting the walls, replacing the medicine cabinet, removing the built up grease from the cupboards, refinishing the cupboards and removing and replacing the kitchen counter which had been left damaged beyond repair. In order to prevent such a vast rebuilding process in the future, we installed a hood over the stove to prevent having to clean such a thick mess of grease later on. The space on the cupboard over the stove was not big enough to accommodate the hood so in order to fit it, we cut a chunk of wood from the cupboard that was adjacent to the wall.
Upon removing the wood, out fell a lot of dust, dead roaches and a whole lot of roach eggs that had been accumulating in that space for who knows how many years. Just how many years we would find out from one other major clue that fell out of the hole and to which this section is devoted: a newspaper.
The Rest

The newspaper that fell out was apparently put there as a spacer between the cupboard and the wall when the cupboard was installed and had remained there until that day. It was in fairly good condition although large chunks of it had been lost to moisture, heat, decay and hungry insects. Large portions of it were left intact though, fragile but intact. Intact enough to be able to be picked up and read but not enough so that it could be bent in any way. Any attempt at bending the fragments of it caused the very brittle paper to break.
Curiosity led me to read one of the largest pieces that I could find. Its text read something like this:

* * *

Russians Seek
Satellite News
London-- Russia's Acad-
emy of Sciences has sent out
an appeal to all world science
organizations and radio ama-
teurs who made recordings of
the signals of the Russian moon
rocket to report on their re-
cordings to Moscow.

* * *

Reds Demand
Civilians Returned
P'anmunjom-- Communist
North Korea demanded the re-
turn of civilians who it said
had been "forcibly abducted"
during the Korean war.
The U.N. command replied
that the North Koreans who
went south were voluntary ref-
ugees who could go home if
they wanted. The U.S. spokes-
man, U.S. Rear Adm. Ira H.
Nunn rejected the demand.

* * *

Draft Dodgers
Have Troubles
Naples, Italy-- [ ]
Rully and Michele Lu[ ]


This fueled my curiosity and I became very, very interested in finding out exactly where and when the newspaper had been published.
I started looking for clues in the paper itself but the portion with the date and the name of the paper was completely gone. I then looked at the stories themselves and the advertisements for clues. The mention of "Reds" in the headlines obviously put the paper somewhere during the Cold War. Further, the mention of a
space probe narrowed the possibilities down.
The next most intact piece of paper that wasn't just advertising had a story about a fishing dispute between Mexico and Guatemala. The article mentioned Mexican President Adolfo Lopez Mateos. The text of this article before it was nearly destroyed was this:


[] (T)he Associated Pres(s)
[(bre)]aking off diplom[(atic)]
[(negotiat)]ions with neighbo[(ring)]
[(Guate)]mala but is leav[(ing)]
[]iar for s(e)ttlemen[(t)]
[]dispute whi[(ch)]

The Mexican[]
mounced by Pr[(esident Adolfo)]
Lopez Mateos in [(a na-)]
tionwide broadc[(ast)]

The dispute st[]
strafing of []
boats by G[(uatemalan)]
Dec. 31. (M)[]



Next, The Search For More Clues

Part III