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13th Rathfarnham
The Scouts meet every Thursday  from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. The Scout Section is for young People between the ages of 12 and 15. Our Scout program is a progressive one which encourages social interaction through the the Patrol System. The Scout Troop is made up of  four or five Patrols. Each Patrol is made up of up to eight scouts with a "Patrol Leader (PL) and Assistant Patrol Leader (APL)" in charge. Each Patrol works together during the year at weekly meetings, Hikes, Camps, and other Activites. The Patrols name themselves after Animals. At the weekly Meetings, the scouts participate in games and test-work e.g. Pioneering (Knots), First Aid,and Map Reading. All of these skills (with the exception of First Aid we hope) is put into practice on the weekend trips away and Hikes. The Scout Section Encourages young People to Respect the Outdoors (see the country code-link), and each other.  

The Scouts normally go Hiking in the Wicklow Mountains. The Hikes normally take place on Saturdays. On the Hikes the scouts can put into action some of the skills that they have learned e.g. Map and Compass Reading (see links), Deciding Routes etc. during their Thursday Meetings. As these hikes are a bit further into the Mountains than the Macaoimh (see link) hikes, lifts from Parents or Buses are normally required there and back. This is where we would ask all parents to assist as best they can. Once or twice a year, the scouts will go on a Night Hike. This offers a bigger challenge to Navigation Skills, and is something just a little different. If Patrols are working well together, then sometimes they are allowed on patrol hikes. The Leaders check the Route Card before they go and offer any other help that the scouts might need on their hike. Hiking is an integral part of the Scouting Ideology as it gets young people out and about in Nature. Through spending more time in the Outdoors, young have a a much greater respect for the Environment.   

Camping is where the Patrol System really shows the Best that Scouting has to offer. Each Patrol arranges transport, food, and equipment from the den stores. Each Patrol must Build their own campsite with a fire, table, dresser, and of course pitch their own tents. The tents that we use are 8-man Icelandics. These offer more than enough space for the scouts. The Camps normally run from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon during late Spring and Summer. The Scouts must work out between them who is doing what job e.g. Cooking, gathering Fire Wood, fetching Water. They must all work together to achieve a common goal i.e. not to starve. The Camps are also a great opportunity to brush up on knots, axemanship, and other skills. It's not all work though. We assure you that we have lots of fun!!! There is usually a specific activity on the Saturday afternoon that the scouts would have to prepare for, wheather it is a first aid scenario or a go-kart race. Recently the unit has introduced Family Weekend Camps. They are lots of fun and parents and family members get to see what scouting has to offer. Parents are often amazed by what can be achieved with a few poles, rope, and imagination. Sometimes we are too! 

Annual Camp:  

"Annual " is the Highlight of the Scouting Year. It usually takes place in July, after the Macaoimh Holiday to Knockree. In 2005 the Macaoimh will have their Annual in Knockree form the 2nd 'till the 5th of July and the scouts will go to Glenshelane in Co. Waterford form the 6th 'till the 16th of July. The Camp lasts on average for 10 days. We normally head for the Southeastof Ireland to get the sunshine, but every few years there is a trip abroad. In 2003 the Scouts went to Denmark. We would like to go abroad in 2006 again. Other Camps have been held in Germany, Spain, Wales,and Scotland. During the Holiday, there are football and volleyball Leagues, Hikes, Survival Night, Day Trip, Commando Course, Cooking Competition, Swimming, Patrol Competition, Campfires, and much more to keep the scouts occupied. There isn't a spare minute in the day. The Leaders are assisted by The "Kitchen Staff" who are other leaders and past leaders and friends.
County Cup Team 2005, winners!Alan Swaine, Jorgen Hartogs, Muireann Fanning,Sean Bollard, Ailbhe Dunne, Michaela Perry, Andrew Rogers, John Cunniffe, Eoin Dunne, Chris Bond,Ciara Malone(APL),Ciara Rowan(PL)Kirsty Maher,Allison Hogan
Count Cup team 2004
My Favorite Links:
Home 2
13th Rathfarnham
The Yellow House
Rathfarnham Castle
Loretto Abbey
91st Dublin Scout Group
clove hitch
Glenshelane factfile
Hunters bend
Buntline Hitch
Carrick bend
Ashleys bend
Constrictor Hitch
Country Code
Flags & Saints Quiz
Fishermans knot
Fishermans bend
Filipino Lashing
Figure of 8 lashing
Diagonal Lashing
figure of eight hitch
Hunters Bend
How to pitch an Icelandic
Annual Camp 2005
Troop Camp 2005
Patrol Competition 2005
County Cup 2005
Compass work
Square lashing
Sheer lashing
Japanese lashing
Sheet bend
Sheer lashing
Sheep Shank
Timber Hitch
Steve Dore knot
Sink Stopper knot
Round turn & 2 halve itches
Pile Hitch
Bear Bag
Big turnstile gateway
Brynbach tower
Bulletin board stand
camp shower
camp table
Bear Bag
Camp table with bench and seat
camp table with seats
Chippewa cooking fire stand
Cleaning utensils
cooking utensils
easy freestanding gateway
firepail stands
flag gateway
friction bridge
gateway with rope wings
gateway with roped wings
gateway with tripods
hourglass tower
in-ground gateway with revolving gate
kitchen dry rack
lantern stand
large gateway with walkway
Overhead gate
overhead gate sideview
pfox tower
scout tower
simple gateway with doorbell
simple in-ground gateway
single lock bridge
single frestle bridge
swinging gate
ten minute tower
tripod gateway
turnstile gateway
two door gateway
My Info:
Name: Jörgen Pascal Francesco Hartogs