Glamis Castle

June 2000

Glamis Castle

Breeder:  David Austin

Parentage:  Graham Thomas
x Mary Rose

Introduced:  1992

Class English shrub

Color:  White

Scent:  Myrrh

Size:  3 feet

Zone 5-9

     Glamis Castle is in its 2nd year in my garden, and what I've seen so far has me convinced that it's a terrific rose.  A bargain price and its reputation for prolific bloom tempted me to try it in 1999.  It was the end of the selling season for roses, and Glamis Castle was mixed in with other leftovers bearing notable names such as "Betty Boop" and "Kaleidoscope."  Yellowing and a horrendous case of blackspot marred its foliage.
      I sited Glamis Castle at the southwest corner of one of my favorite gardens.  I had read about the need for excellent culture with this rose, so I prepared my planting hole with care.  The diseased leaves were removed after which Glamis Castle grew a brand new set of a vibrant dark green.  There followed more than thirty ivory blossoms packed with petals.  It was out-performing all the other roses in my collection!
      The fragrance is noted as myrrh, but since I've never smelled myrrh, I don't know if Glamis Castle fits the bill.  The blossoms smell pleasant, but not really rosey.

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