Rosa Multiflora

Rosa Multiflora

A Japanese rose growing to 10 feet high and 15 feet across.

Weedlike in some areas, excellent for hedging.

Once blooming, sweet, soapy fragrance.

Used as an understock for commercial rose production.

     My husband and I discovered this rose while walking through our woods.  It was just a baby rose, not more than 6 inches high, bushy, and compact.  Little did I know that after just a year in the garden it would climb to 5 feet and attain a girth of 4 feet.  The following year it blossomed, filling the spring air with rich, sweet perfume for two weeks.  The blossoms were tiny-- just an inch across and faintly pink. 
      It was at this time that I began to do research to discover its identity.  When I realized that it was rosa multiflora, or at least a type of this rose, I decided to dig it up.  I felt our sandy soil would be an easy mark for its intrusive nature.  My interests lie with tamer roses, but I'll never forget that fragrance!

A wild rose lives outside my door,
It asks no fost'ring care.
But grows in its appointed place
Because God put it there.
Each year in radiant June time
I welcome it anew,
For in its youth and joyousness
It is so much like you.


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Copyright (C) J. Kovalcsik 1999, 2000