News Title

May 4, 1997

I've Decided to totally rework the web site and make it (hopefully) more attractive, with a new background, graphics, and background music (I can only listen to mission impossible so many times), I'm hoping this won't take more than a few days to do, but then again things hardly ever go as planned.

May 14, 1997

Due to various problems with both Geocities and time constraints on my end the updating of the site is going slower than expected. However, the Company that Makes FontFX has been kind enough to donate a copy of their impressive software (The Software used to make the Title at the top of this page) to our museum, so things should go smoothly from here.

The Main page and How to get to the Museum page are finished, and I will start updating the sub-pages of the site tonight, so please keep shecking back.

May 20, 1997

The work is underway in the reworking of the site. About half of the pages have been updated, yet some may still remain hard to read. I will Have the entire site completed by the end of the month (Hopefully).

I have updated the music on the main page to another tune entitled "Nothing Else Matters" as well as adding new graphics to many of the pages. Look for pictures of our vehicles in their various stages of restoration on the web page in the near future as one of our memebers has recently bought a scanner. (Thanks Ken)

June 3, 1997

Due to lack of time on my part and various other factors not much has been done to the web site, although I am starting to add pictures of our own vehicles in their various forms of restoration, check ou the Sherman Tank's Page for look into what our sherman looked like when we first recieved it. (Missing gun and all).

June 11, 1997

I have added a schedule of times for the Chat Room. Hopefully this will allow the visitors of the site to get together and chat about what has brought you all here! Please visit the Chat Room and check the schedule for times.

I have also added a few minor cosmetic changes to the site. As always I am open to suggestions and comments feel free to mail me at the address located at the bottom of this page

August 14, 1997

I have Updated a lot of the Armoured Vehicle's Pages With actual Pictures of the Museum's Vehicles in their Various States of Restoration. Please Drop by and have a look!

[Flashing Ball] M4A2E8 Sherman Medium Tank
[Flashing Ball] M60A3 Main Battle Tank
[Flashing Ball] M551 "SHERIDAN"
[Flashing Ball] M113 Armoured Personel Carrier
[Flashing Ball] M24 Light Tank (CHAFFEE)
[Flashing Ball] Ferret Scout Car

Jan 13 , 2000

Well the site has changed hands ,Joe has given it over to Ken Lee . Thanks Joe you have done a great job of setting the site up . I am slowly changing the back ground , some say the checker plate loads to slow . Also we are working on the wheeled section , stick with us it all takes time .

[Flashing Ball]wheeled vehicles (Trucks)

Jan 25 , 2000

To help speed up loading of the main page of the site I have moved all the links to a links page .

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