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Joe's Homepage
"Oro' se' do Bheatha abhaile"
Freedom then Peace
Willard E. Crisp
1919 - 2008
A Tribute

My Religion
My Favorite Books & Films
My Favorite Web Links
Comment: August
Movie Review:

Political Links
Prayers & Devotion
The Latest......
April 6- Fourth anniversary of the accession of Prince Albert II of Monaco
HSH Prince Louis I of Monaco
*My blog has moved to a new address at The Mad Monarchist -much better than the old set up, comments will be there.*
The Embattled City of Derry
Msgr Hugh O'Flaherty: Pimpernel of the Vatican
Monarchist Monarchs
Papal News & Views
My Old West Pages
50 Years of Exile with the Dalai Lama of Tibet
Religion Articles
Review of "Kawashima Yoshiko"
Texas Articles
The French Imperial Army in Mexico
Marshal Elie Frederic Forey
General Kanji Ishiwara: The Noble Japanese Imperialist
British Articles
Military Articles
Prince Charles III of Monaco
Dixie Articles
Imperial Mexico in the Movies
Monarchy Articles The Romulans
Asian Articles
Review of "Return to Oz"
Kaiser Wilhelm II: Warmonger?
Misc. Articles
My Websites on Specific Monarchy-Related Subjects
Joe's Look at Tudor Catholicism - my website dealing with the Catholic Church and Monarchy in the Tudor era of the British Isles
Crisp Mexico - my website on the Mexican Monarchy and related History
Viet Monarchy - my website on the Vietnamese Monarchy with emphasis on the Nguyen Dynasty
Crisp Monaco - my website on the Monaco and her Princely Family
American Monarchist League - my website on American ties with the British Monarchy, loyalists and the like
Royal Wilhelm - my website on the much maligned last German Kaiser
Lord of 10k Years - my website on monarchy in Far East Asia
Crisp Monarchy - mother site of my monarchy-related sites & pages
The Mad Monarchist blog

My Websites on National, Historical, Religious and other Subjects
Crisp Texas - my website dealing with home, the great Lone Star State
Guelf Site - my website dealing with the Papacy and the Catholic Church
The Flags of Texas - the name says it all I think
Crisp Ireland - my website on the history & culture of the Emerald Isle
Crisp Confederacy - my website on the Confederate States of America
Radical Christianity
An Appeal for Devotion
Common Latin Prayers
Royal Catholic Links
A Little Child Shall...
Great Catholic Women of History
Republic of Texas
Tudor Era Catholicism
Sacred and Divine
Crisp Confederacy
Crisp Canada
Monarchies of Asia
American Monarchist
Vietnamese Monarchy
The King of Heaven
Guelf Site: The Papacy
Kaiser Wilhem II Pages
The Flags of Texas
Crisp Mexico
Crisp Middle Pages
Crisp Ireland
My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys
THE ALAMO: 13 Days of Glory
My Review for the Film "Kingdom of Heaven"
I'm a Fan of:
E-Candle burning for the victims of abortion around the world. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Empress of the Americas, pray for us.
Website for the beatification of Pope John Paul the Great
One Year Without John Paul the Great
Remember to pray for Our Most Holy Father now Gloriously Reigning Pope Benedict XVI that God will bless him, keep him and guide his reign.
Ride hard......pray harder
Remember, remember