King Haile Selassie Breaks the 7 Seals

Ras Makonnen & His son Ras Tafari

    The world should know that he is the Almighty, it is prophecised, the prophecy has been fulfilled, open your eyes and look. Haile Selassie from his youth, was a mysterious person who was said to have been feared by priest and other persons working in the palace. His first born name was Ras Tafari which means "head creator", but Tafari alone means, "to be feared" and so he was. The coming of the child was one in a million since the time of Christ, when Christ was born, the planets of the universe aligned themself, and this is a sign of a Great person to be born astronomers say. Their was the worst drought & famine in Ethiopia than ever seen before, days before he was born, Ethiopia purged itself to accept him & now Ethiopia purges itself to accept Jah children, for when we repatriate. Their is a story about Haile Selassie in his youth, his father & mother was astounded by his vast knowledge and wisdom of and from the bible. They brought in priest to talk with him to ask him where he knew all these things from, Haile Selassie knew books that aren't printed in the bible, like the 8th, 9th & 10th books of Moses, the Dead Sea Scrolls, he would know line for line. The priests would ask him questions and he would call them to tell them the answer in their ears and the answers he would give would frighten the priests away, and some would never return to see him. At one time their were two priests talking to Tafari, who had claimed he talks to animals and the wild beasts in the jungles of Ethiopia, One of the priests asked Tafari to draw one of these animals, so Tafari requested for crayons and a piece of paper and began to draw it formed into a dove of bright multi-colors and before the priest could question Tafari about the bird on the page he was dumbfounded when he saw it arise off the paper and fly through the window, the two priests hysterically left the palace and never returned.             

Tafari the Mystical Youth, Give Thanks.

King Haile Selassie on his coronation in Addis Ababa on November 23rd, 1930.

   The most glorious part of Tafari's life & for the world was in 1930, when he is crowned King of Ethiopia, those who have eyes to see the truth will see it, search and you will find. In 1930 Ras Tafari was crowned King of Ethiopia, taking the title, The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, The Conquering Lion of The Tribe of Judah, breaking open the 7 seals of the scroll which is spoke about in Revelations 5. His name was also changed from Ras Tafari to Haile Selassie, which means, Power of the Trinity. As Haile Selassie lived on he continuously fulfilled prophecy from the book of Revelations. Babylon would war against the Lamb, but he will overcome them. All of this  has come through Haile Selassie, when the Italians tried to conquer him and his land, he over threw them by himself with his own army, and he had no other choice to do so because the United Nations had betrayed him and left him to fight alone, but foolish Babylon, them never knew no one could really defeat God Almighty. In that time when the war had started Haile Selassie had fled to get help from the United Nations, they had betrayed him, and during this time he was not in Ethiopia and could not help them, so their was suffering in Ethiopia for a while, and because of this, the evil people who know not of God will tell you he abandoned his country to leave them to suffer, but he did not, he returned only to defeat the Italians and restore Ethiopia to its upright manner. During the war Haile Selassie had done something that if you saw you wouldn't know what to say. the Italian leader Benedict Mussolini was using chemical warfare against Ethiopia, and Ethiopia was fighting back with nominal ammunitions. While they where launching their bombs at Ethiopia one fell directly by King Selassie's foot, the King put his foot upon the bomb and said, "This bomb will not go off in my country," and it never did to this day.                

Praise his Majesty, Haile Selassie I, Great & Terrible God, Jahovah Jah Rastafari. 

King Selassie at war with Mussolini in Ethiopia

The entire world hailed Jah Haile Selassie, from pope paul to queen elizabeth, bun them, they is the ones who rage against the lamb, them are the beast and prostitute, but they bowed down to Haile Selassie and praised him and it is prophesized that they would.


Teachings Of His Majesty


King Selassie reign for Iever

Prince Emmanuel Edwards

Marcus Mosiah Garvey

Law & Order of Boboshanti

Ethiopian Int, Congress in Trinidad




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