President Kim Il Sung, Eternal Sun of Juche


April 15 is a historic day when the Korean people and the progressive humankind of the world acclaimed the eternal sun of Juche.

The President's native home at Mangyongdae


Now the paeans for the sun reverberate in the sky over Korea and the five continents of the world.

Greeting the Day of the Sun the patriotic people from various strata in south Korea and the world progressive people are conducting multifarious celebration functions in high praise of the greatness and the undying exploits of the President with the boundless reverence and ardent yearning for him who created the immortal Juche idea and brought about a new epoch of history shining with independence.

President Kim Il Sung organizes the anti-Japanese guerrilla army

They highly praised in the congratulatory letters, statements, rallies and lectures, celebration articles and special write-ups that the President set out on the road of revolution in his early teens, defeated the Japanese imperialists and liberated Korea, and built the people-centered socialist paradise dignified with independent politics, self-reliant economy and self-defense on the Korean land which was in century-long backwardness and indigence.


They also spoke highly of the fact that he provided the strong foundations for the country¡¯s independent reunification till the last moment of his life, created the noble paradigm of friendship, solidarity and cooperation with the peoples of different countries, and energetically encouraged them to the liberation, prosperity and building of a new society.

Progressive organizations including the Songun politics study organizations in the US and UK send congratulatory letters to leader Kim Jong Il every year on the occasion of the Day of the Sun and grandly conduct various celebration functions in praise of the undying exploits of President Kim Il Sung.

As the progressive humankind unanimously praises, President Kim Il Sung is the unprecedented great man and the everlasting sun of humankind who was possessed of all characters and qualifications needed for a great man on the loftiest level, glorified his life as the great thinker and theoretician, great statesman and revolutionary, and performed epoch-making exploits shining forever in the era and history.

It is the unanimous intention and will of the south Korean people to praise the great revolutionary career and immortal exploits of President Kim Il Sung forever and uphold him as the eternal sun of the nation.

President Kim Il Sung meets with Rev. Mun Ik-hwan of south Korea


Therefore, an intellectual of south Korea said that the birth of President Kim Il Sung, man sent by heaven and the savior of destiny, is a landmark event, the first of its kind in history, that opened a new history of the fatherland, nation and era of the sun, and expressed in high emotion his true mind to erect on the highest place on earth a tower to convey through generations the President¡¯s feats, and build his statue and the grand revolutionary museum of the President on the center of the earth.

President Kim Il Sung is the great leader of the progressive people of the world, who oppose imperialism and aspire after the building of a new society and independence.


President Kim Il Sung, for his unlimited benevolent virtue and great exploits, enjoyed absolute trust and boundless respect from heads of party and state, prominent personages and peoples of different countries, received a great number of gifts, orders and honorary titles.

President Kim Il Sung who glorified the 20th century with the great idea, extraordinary leadership ability and lofty virtue will shine as the everlasting sun of Juche in the hearts of the Korean people and the progressive humankind along with the Day of the Sun.


Kimilsungia, the flower of the eternal sun