

To My Links of the Narramore Tree

Hi my name is Judy Lalicker and I have been doing genealogy for over 30 years. I had gotten interested in tracing family trees since I was in high school and realized that I had a half-sister that I knew nothing about. I thought it was so neat to have another sister. I have 5 already.

I am trying to find all branches of the Narramore families as not all of this information is up to date. I will not add any living relative unless you send me an email and let me know it is okay. I will only add the families on down that are deceased. I would like an email of your living tree to add to my records. Thank You. I hope you enjoy these pages and find some of your missing tree.


Also I would be very grateful if anyone would send me some pictures of their Narramore families or anyone else mentioned in these pages. Thank you again.


My Narramore Line

My Narramore Roots


Surnames of relation to the Narramores

My Narramore stories

The Narramore & Self Family Tree
