The will of Sarah Dale - John’s widow is dated Mar 9 1782 and was probated Dec 9 1782.
She willed to:
sons: - William & James T - daughter Esther Quinton - son -in - law Philip Quinton -
grandaughter Sarah Gray, the wife of Joseph Gray.
It was witnessed by Martha Jarman, Mathew Dale and John Postly.
Ref: Worc. Co. Will Book: Liber JW #4 folios 501 - 502.
written; 14 Oct. 1794
probated: 26 Nov. 1795
Item: I give and devise to my daughter Hannah Showell part of
that tract of land where my son Campbell Dale now lives
to wit part of Tyre’s Inheritance, part of Hard Luck and now
a tract called Slipe. Also several negroes.
Item: I give and devise to my son Ebenezer dale part of six tracts
of land called Mt. Pleasant, of Gray Lott, of Luck in Time,
of High Clipp Enlarged, of Slipe and of Tyre’s Inheritance.
Also several negroes, some sheep and some farm items.
Item: I have and devise to my son Campbell Dale all that tract
of land called Green Swamp which I bought from Zadock
Baker and that part of land called Luck in Time which I
purchased of George Truitt and all the remainder of a tract
called High Clipp or High Clipp Enlarged which is not
before given to my son Ebenezer. Also several negroes.
Item: I give and devise to my son William Dale my land lying in
the head of Golden Quarters Neck called Lott which I
bought of Alexander Mumford all all the adjoining land
thereunto which I have taken up and also one half or
morety of my tract of land or swamp called Chance but
if he dies without issue the land Chance to go to my son
John. Also several negroes, livestock and furniture.
Item: I give and devise unto my son John Dale all my land and
appurtenances which I own and where I now live being
part of Second Addition, Slipe and Powell’s Purchase
also half or morety of my tract of land called Chance but
if he dies without issue it is to go to my son William.
Also several negroes, livestock and furniture.
I give and bequeath to my loving wife one negro man Ben over and above .
her widow’s thirds. All the rest of the personal estate after debts
and legacies are paid to be divided between my three following children:
viz, William, John and Hannah.
A negro girl Leah to Polly Holland in lieu of 10 pounds owing her.
Sons William and John Dale were appointed executors.
Ref: Worcestor Co. Wills Liber JW #18 pp. 221 - 224
written: 12 Oct 1809
probated: 16 Nov. 1814
Item: I give and bequeath to my grandson Elisha Holland one
negro girl Comfort which he now has in his possession.
Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Long twenty pounds in cash.
Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Holland one bed and furniture and one small heiffer.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Holland one cow and one calf
and thirty pounds current money.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son Campbell Dale one cow and one small heiffer.
Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Hannah Showell one negro girl named Nell.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son Ebenezer Dale one black walnut
table now is his posession.
Item: I give and bequeath to my grandaughter Polly Phitchett former
Polly Showell one black velvet cloak now in her posession. My will and desire is
that all my wearing apparell should be equally divided among my three
daughters that is to say Elizabeth Long, Mary Holland and Hannah Showell
to be divided among my said daughters share and share alike.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son John Dale all the residue of my estate
both negroes and all other articles.
Any my will and desire is that my son John Dale should settle all my affairs and
pay off the above legacys above mentioned and that there shall be on
administrator of my estate.
Ref: Worcester Co. Md. Wills Liber MH10 pp. 72-73
written: 24 Oct. 1794
probated: 23 Nov. 1794
Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Margaret Dale one bed and furniture sett,
cord and matt and one cow and calf, one chest, one pine table with walnut legs
four chairs, one sett of cups and saucers and my side saddle, one spinning wheel
and ten pounds cash to her and her heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath to John P. Dale one chest and ten pounds cash and one bed
and furniture with sted cord and matt to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath the remainder part of my estate to Jacob Dale,
Martha Truitt, Mary McGregor, Margaret Dale, and John P. Dale to be
equally divided amongst them.
Lastly, I do constitute and appoint William McGregor and George Truitt to be
sole executors of this my last will and Testament etc. etc.
witnesses: John Davis
John T. Bratten
William Guthey
Ref: Worc. Co. Will book JW#14 pp. 172-173
To my wife Comfort: one third of my plantation and the new room of my house
during her life time - Negro woman Tabitha and girl Sina - one horse and side saddle,
cattle and bedroom furn.
To my son Samuel: that part of land I have from a line drawn from the end of
the 3rd line of a piece of land sold to John Stevenson by John Bratten.
Also furniture and negroes.
I give to my son Josiah: remaining part of my land and one negro.
To my daughter Nancy Kellam: 1 shilling sterling besides what I have already given her.
To my daughter Mary Richardson: same as for Nancy.
To my daughter Susannah Bishop: 1 negro girl
To my daughter Caty Bratten: 1 Negro boy and one negro girl - also bedroome furniture
The rest of my estate to be divided between Samuel, Josiah, Hannah Bishop and Caty Bratten.
Executor: Josiah Bratten (son) witnesses: Samuel Stevenson
Jacob Teague
probated: 18 Nov. 1806
To my son Samuel: 1 negro boy Handy, bed & furniture, one lge. pott, one cattle,
one horse.
To my son Josiah: one kettle
To my daughter Hannah Bishop: my silver shoe buckle
To my daughter Caty Richardson: furniture at Samuel’s death one pott, one horse -
also at Samuel’s death
To my gr.dau. Sarah Bratten: one negro boy Hand after my son Samuel’s death
To my gran. dau. Comfort Richardson: one negro boy and one looking glass.
To my gr.dau. Caty Bishop: my bonnet and lace
“It is my desire that my negro woman shall be free at my death and to serve as a slave
no longer. I giver her one cow” (slave’s name was Tabb)
All the residue of my estate to my son Samuel, - who was also appointed executor
of the estate.
Witnesses: Samuel Stevenson Jacob Teague
Temperance Stevenson
Ref: Worc: Co. Md. Wills: Liber JBR p. 56
Liber MH p. 49
written: 15 Jan 1813
filed: 1814
In the name of God Amen: I Mathew Dale of the County of Nicholas and State of Kentucky
being weak in body but of sound mind and memory doth this fifteenth day of January 1813
make this my last will and testament in the following manner: that is to say I do
allow all my just debts to be justly paid and I do bequeath to my beloved wife, Keath
all my household furniture and one horse called Dick and also one cow also to live
on my land during her being a widow also I give my wife a negro woman named Dinah
while she remains a widow.
Also I bequeath to my son Isaac two negro boys named Elizah and Frank* and at his
mother’s marriage or death he is to have the Negro woman Dinah if alive and also I do
bequeath my said son Isaac is to school the rest of my children so far as to
read and write and to see them to trades.
I also bequeath to each of my youngest son James one negro named Andy
and also a young horse rising three years old,
I do bequeath to each of my youngest sons two dollars to each of them, and that is to
say Mathew, William, John, Purnell and Joshua and do make my son Isaac and ordain
him sole executor of this my will in trust for the intent and purposes in this my will
contained and to take care to see the same performed according to my true intent and meaning.
In witness thereof I the said Mathew Dale have to this my last will and testament
set my hand and seal the day and year written above.
Signed and sealed and delivered by the said Mathew Dale for his last will and testament
in presence of us who were present at signing and sealing thereof,
witness: David Byers
John Brannester
*Deeds of emancipation in Nicholas Co., Ky. show that Isaac give these negroes their
freedom before he moved to Missouri.
Ref: Nicholas Co. Ky. Will Book A. p. 216
To my son Levin: land called "Saw Mill."
To my son James: part of land called Friend's Assistance.
To my son John; " " " " " "
To my son William: " " " " " "
To my son Josiah: land called Miserable Quarters
To my cousin Ann Selby, widow of Sampson Selby - 50 acres of land including the
house where Sampson Selby lately lived.
I impose my wife Hannah to handle the estate of the children and educate them until
they are 21 and to bind them out to learn a trade, if necessary.
Administrator: wife Hannah
Ref: Worc. Co. Wills: Liber JW (1790-1799) pp. 64 - 67
written: 15 January 1818
Filed for probate: Nov 1818
I give and bequeath:
to my son Josiah Showell all my cypress swamp I purchased of Thomas Purnell
called the Good Increase. Also land that I took in a resurvey on a tract of land left
Joshiah by his grandfather Josiah Dale. Also a part of a tract where Richard W.
Warrington now lives called Green Land lying to the north and westward of a large
ditch to Johnathan Carey’s land.
to my son William Showell all my land adjoining St. Martin’s Tavern which I
purchased of John Bratten and James B. R. Also part of a tract called Green Land
lying on the southern and westward side of a large ditch till it intersects a small
island toward Littleton Gray’s. Also a parcel or tract of land I purchased of Joseph
Holloway and a piece of a cypress swamp I purchased of Abisha Davidson containing
120 acres.
to my son Lemuel Showell all that part of a tract of land called Cropton which lies
to the southward and eastward of Middle Branch (note: of St. Martin’s R.) where the
storehouse stands. Also part of land I purchased from John Denison called Denison’s
Discovery or Quorom. Also a tract called Slipe the aforesaid lands to run with the
line of Abisha Davis’ heirs and Edward Briddle’s - to include all the land lying
southward and eastward of Abisha Davis’ heirs and straight along Edward Briddle’s line
to a marked white oak being a corner tree between Edward Briddle’s and myself.
Also part of three tracts I purchased of Lemuel Givan near Pocomoke River called
Priviledge, Second Privilege and Conclusion. Also a piece of cypress swamp I purchased
of William Dale.
to my son John Showell the land and plantation whereon I now live being part of lands
called Cropton and Showell’s Discovery containing about 415 acres. Also the balance
of lands purchased of a certain James Corner which is not included to my son
Lemuel’s gift. Also all the balance of my lands adjoining to the northwestward and
westward of the said plantation whereon I now live except the part included in my son
William’s part.
To my sons Josiah and William Showell and my daughters Mary Fitchett and
Sarah Showell part of land called Crayton’s Lott where the negro James Selby now
lives to be equally divided between them.
to my two daughters Mary Fitchett and Sarah Showell part of a tract of land called
Green Land to be laid off at the head of the tract to be equally divided between them -
if either should die without issue than I give the aforesaid land to the survivor and to
her heirs.
filed for probate: 14 May 1816
in Worcester County, Md
written: August 1811
I give and bequeath:
to my son Lemuel Dale one half of land called Dale’s Delight being two hundred and
nine acres more or less and if he dies without heirs to my son Burton Dale.
to my son Burton Dale the other half of said tract of land given to my son Lemuel and
if he dies without heirs to my son Lemuel Dale.
to my son Lemuel Dale one negro boy by the name of Stephen and one colt.
to my son Burton Dale one negro boy named Jacob and one colt.
to my three daughters - Polly Dale and Hannah L. Dale and Nancy Dale all the rest
of my property to be divided between them.
I ordain that my brother John Dale and John Bratten (of Samuel) be my executors.
Witnesses: Seth Whaley
John Batten
Samuel Bratten
Note: Samuel Bratten was deceased by the time of the filing of the will for probate.
Ref: Worcester county Md. wills Liber MH10 p. 189
I give and bequeath to my son John Dale all my right of land lying and being in
Golden Quarter Neck and if he should die without issue it is to go to my son William J.M.
Dale to him and his heirs. Also I give to my son John one negro girl called
Rachel the daughter of Lanty.
I give and bequeath unto my second son Charles Godfrey Dale all my
right of land in the Indian Town agreeable of Charles Godfrey, his
grandfather’s will. Also one girl called Rachel the daughter of Lydia.
I give and bequeath to my son J.M. Dale one thousand dollars out of my
personal property with the intention to defray his school expenses.
I give and bequeath to my wife Sarah Dale three negroes to wit:
man Jesse, Southy and woman Lanty and one hundred pounds currencey
all the pork and corn that should be on hanbd at my death. Also it is my
will and desire she should have all the profits arising from my land in
Golden Quarter Neck during her widowhood.
I give and bequeath to my son William J.M. Dale three negroes to wit:
Huldy, also Lamson and Harry.
All the rest of my personal property not before bequeathed to be
equally divided between my daughters Elizaeth H. Dale and Sarah B. Dale
share and share alike.
I do hereby constitue and qppoint my wife Sarah to be sole executrix to
this my last will Testament leaving entirely discretional with her not to sell
any of my personal estate as she may see proper to excepting such legacys
as before mentioned to my children etc. etc.
written 23 March 1817 filed for probate: 26 March 1819
witnesses: William Quinton
Stephen Mills
William Townsend
Ref: Worcester Co. Md Wills Liber MH#10 fol 368-369
written: 23 May 1847 filed for probate: 10 Nov 1847
I give and devse to:
my son John Dale: one negro man named Peter, one new walnut breakfst table,
one bed and bedstead and the furniture for the same, one pair spectacles
(the pair that belonged to his father) and three hundred fifty dollars cash.
my son Charles G. Dale; all the lands and real estate that I now or ever was in posession
of in Indian Town, Worester County and in case the said Chrarles dies
without leaving lawfully begotten children living at the time of his death I give all the
lands and real estate above mentioned to my son John Dale and his heirs. I also give
my son Charles one negro man named James and a negro girl named Sarah and a
negro man named Southy whom I require him to maintain. I also give my son Charles
one walnut cupboard, one half of the china and “Liverpool”, one walnut dining table,
one walnut arm chair, one blue chest, one large bible, one hand mill, one counterpiece
of silk, all the pots belonging to the kitchen, one bed and bedstead and furniture
for same, the parlour carpet, first choice of one yoke of oxen, one sow and seven pigs
or shoats, six large hogs, his first choice of two cows, one hundred bushels of corn
and three hundred and fifty dollars cash.
my son William J.M. Dale: one negro boy named John aged 14 years, one negro girl
named Lizzy, one bed and bedstead and furniture for same, one walnut dining table,
one long trunk, six silver teaspoons and one hundred fifty dollars cash.
my daughter Elizabeth A. Harper: one negro girl named Rhoda, one bed and bedstead
and furniture for same and four hundred dollars cash.
my four children: John, Charles G., William J.M. and Elizabeth A. Harper:
all the money I have in gold to be equally divided amonst them share and share alike.
all the rest of my personal estate to my son William J.M. Dale and daughter
Elizabeth A. Harper to be equally divided between them share and share alike after
the payment of my just debts.
I desire and require that old John and Lanta his wife shall seve as long as they are
able and maintain themselves and when they become unalbe to work that my son
William J.M. Dale and my daughter Elizabeth Harper shall support them for the
balanvce of their lives and I further require that my son William J.M. Dale give to
said John and Lanta at my death 50 pounds of meat and 20 bushels of corn.
Executors: John Dale
Charles Dale
witnesses: Walter P. Snow
Eli Claywell
Isaac K. Victor
Ref: worcester county Md. Wills Liber LP#1 pp. 364-366
written: 17 April 1825
codicil 8 April 1826
to my son John and my two single daughters Betsey and Patsey, 4 negroes viz:
Jacob, Jennie, Charles and Eliza; household furniture, stock to be divided equally
between them.
to my wife Esther who is to have and enjoy the use of all the aforesaid negroes,
household furniture and stock during her natural life.
to my daughter Hetty Cochran a negro boy named Isaac now in the posession
of her husband.
“as to the rest of my children not herein mentioned I have already in my lifetime,
made suitable provisions for them.”
Executor: wife Esther, son John and daughter Betsey
witnesses: Adam Gordon, James Griffing and Learner Griffing
Codicil: 8 April 1826: provided that the daughter Hetty Cochran should have the
use of the negro boy Isaac during her life but at her death he was to be passed on to
the three children: Leah Cochran, Nancy Cochran and Joshua Cochran.
Ref: Claiborne Co. Miss. Will Bk. B p. 82
written: 6 July 1839
filed for probate: 29 Mar 1841
Delaware County, Delaware
I direct that:
my grandson George “Camel” Lethers shall have all my land lying in the County
of Madison and the State of Indiana and that he shall have one hundred and seventy
five dollars out of my estate, cash.
that he shall have a horse and saddle and bridle when he arrives at the age of
twenty-one, worth fifty dollars.
Also that he shall have one corner lot in the town of Dalesville,
that if he should die without lawful heir the land shall fall back to my three sons,
that my land is to be equally divided into three shares the lines to be drawn North
and South with my sons, Elisha, John and William Dale as heirs,
that of the land that lies in the County of Delaware and the State of Indiana
my son Elisha Dale is to have the East third of said land and my son John the
middle third and my son (William) the West third,
that the sawmill and two acres on the other side of the river is to belong to
my sons John, Elisha and William in partnership.
that my sons Elisha, John and William Dale are to have a lot apiece in the
town of Dalesville,
that all my personal property is to be equally divided between my three sons
Elisha, John and William Dale,
that my worthy and esteemed sons Elisha Dale, John Dale and William Dale are
to be executors of this my last will and testament.
witnesses: Abraham Deploye
John Simpson
Written: 16 Feb. 1823
filed for probate: 8 March 18--
“my wife Betsey is to have no right to any of this property as agreed in a contract
before our marriage”
to son: William McGregor: two hundred and fity acres of land a part of
Second Addition and of Welch tract and improvements thereon. Also $500 to him
and his heirs as well as two slaves. Also 10 acres of River swamp.
to son: James McGregor the balance or residue of lands purchased from
John P. Marshall. Also one slave and $450 exclusive of other articles and money
he has already received.
to son: John McGregor: two hundred and fifty acres of land lying next to brother
William’s part it being a part of a tract I purchased from John P. Marshall
called Elizabeth’s Conclusion and $500 cash as well as two slaves.
If sons John and James cannot agree on the division of the lands left them it is
my will and desire that Thomas and William Gray should divide said lands and
this division to be final. ---------- if either of these two sons die without lawful heir
then that part which belonged to the deceased shall be equally divided between
the survivors of my sons or sons of him or them.
to daughter Betsey Holland: one half of a tract of land purchased
of George Mike and his son of Wilson Co. Tenn. for
320 acres , also all hte other articles and money I paid
her and her husband William Holland on the day of
their marriage to better than one thousand dollars.
to daughter Patty Purnell: one half of a tract of land I purchased
from George Mike of Wilson Co. Tenn. for 320
acres - also slaves - and “money I paid her and her
husband Levi Purnell on the day of their marriage
amounting to better than $1000.
to my daughter Peggy Patey: all that tract of land I purchased of
Levi Holloway on Harrow Creek called McGregor’s
purchse containing 269 acres for all of her natural
life and at her decease to be equally divided between
her sons Kendal Patey and John Patey. Also if her
husband Powell Patey should pay the full amount
of the obligation I hold against him for money
paid to keep his property from being sold I will give
him the tract.
to my daughter Molly McGregor: one negro slave and $2200.
to my daughter Nancy McGregor : one slave, furniture and $2000.
The rest of my personal estate to be equally divided between my eight children to wit:
Betsey Holland, James McGregor, Peggy Pattey, Patty Purnell, John McGregor,
William McGregor, Molly McGregor and Nancy McGregor.
“I give and bequeath to my wife Betsey McGregor all my right and title and claims
and interest which I have or in law or eqity ought to have of all the lands and
premises which her former husband Adam Bratten was in posession of at his decease
and in the same manner he left the same to her by his last will and testament etc. etc. -
as at her request I give up all the property to her sons and daughter.”
“I will and devise and direct and empower my Executors herein mentioned to sell
and convey the purchaser or purchasers part of a tract of land I hold in the “forrist”
called Hog’s Quarters containing 130 acres and to pay to the heirs of Jacob Dale
deceased and sixty part of the purchase money as I have his deed for that part
which I did not pay him for in his life and is now due his heirs and after heirs are
paird 1/2 of balance is to go for the education of my son William McGregor and
the other half to be equally divided between my son John McGregor and his son
James McGregor.”
“And whereas part of the land whereon I now dwell descended to my wife Mary
by the death of her father James Dale who died intestate and my children after my
decease might think they have an equal right ------------ they should give it up to
whoever claims it and if any refuses he is to receive none of the property willed him.
Executors: Thomas N. McGregor and John Dale McGregor
Witnesses: John Fassitt (of John)
William Holland
Johnson Gray
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