Top Singapore Chessplayers

The world's laziest IM - Hsu Li Yang

IM (Dr) Hsu Li Yang is in my opinion, the laziest IM in the whole world. His theory is basically restricted to what I chat with him about or the books I pass on to him. His Informant database is virtually untouched and  his Chessbase 7 CD-rom lies around somewhere in his house, unopened and uninstalled. However, he sure has an excellent memory and his endgame skill is legendary in Singapore.  His European opponents have trouble pronoucing his surname "Hsu" and instead settle for "Hus".
Play through Hsu's games.
Hsu's intrepretation of the pawn storm

The Asian "Bent Larsen" GM-elect Wong Meng Kong

GM-elect (Dr)Wong Meng Kong is a former Asian Junior Champion. He has a penchant for Rook pawn pushes and Rook lifts. His pieces have a tendency to manouvre within the first two ranks. He loves to disturb the equilibrium in the position and feels at home in chaotic, unbalanced positions. His profound understanding of flank systems has seen him scalp Elo 2600+ GMs.
Play througn Meng Kong's games.

IM Terry Toh, swindler par excellence!

In local circles, IM Terry Toh   was known as "Magic Toh". Lately, his chess career has come to a standstill due to his law career and devotion to the Christian faith. He has since made a brief comback to top flight chess, representing Singapore in the 1999 Asian Team Championships (Shenyang). He has been known to pull off remarkable swindles against strong international players. I can recall how his 2300+ rated victim rebuked him "You are not a chess player!" 
Play through Terry's games.

IM Leslie Leow has an active positional style best amplified in trench warfare games as some GMs have found out to their peril. Opponents frequently found themselves outmanouevred in Dutch and Alekhine's Defenses. IM Leow is now based in New York. He won the Philadelphia Open in 1990 and last represented Singapore in the 1992 Manila Olympiad.
Play through Leslie's games

FM Ong Chong Ghee, tied  1st in the 1999 National Championships has quite a few IM scalps though he has not made the IM grade yet. He played an   incredible KID game which was heavily annotated in GM John Nunn's "the Classical KID(Batsford)".  Ghee  has the  tendency to veer into sharp, complex sacrificial lines after starting off his games positionally. One of the most exciting local players  to watch,  Ghee can beat the best on his day.
Play through Ghee's games

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