Just for Seniors Getaway 2004

Adult Funshops

(like workshops, but much more fun!)

On Saturday, the funshops will lift your spirits and excite your creativity! We have a slate of funshops JUST FOR ADULTS! Please select from the list provided. They are sure to be a great time!

Every effort will be made to accommodate your first choice. However, if there are not enough participants to meet minimum requirements, your next choice will be considered.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

A12 Traditions in Girl Scouting

A8 Okay…I’m a Volunteer Older Girl Adviser… This is recreation … isn’t it?!?!

A1 Building Memories through Scrapbooking

A2 Ceremonies with a Twist

A5 Event Planning

A10 Teambuilding

A6 Let Go to Grow

A9 Silly Songs

A11 The Art of Multi-Tasking

A13 Traveling Beyond Your Living Room

A3 Chiming in the Wind

A7 Matrixx System "Colors"

A4 Empowering our pre-teens and teens to make smart decisions about love!


  1. Building Memories through Scrapbooking - With all those terrific pictures you have taken, coupled with the treasures and other keepsakes, how will you display them in a most attractive manner? Enjoy this funshop as you make a special collapsible scrapbook. Bring 12 pictures.
  2. Ceremonies with a Twist - Every Girl Scout program level deserves a special ceremony. Discover creative ways to make memories in ceremonies as your troop advances to their next challenges. Want to share your ideas? Submit your ideas ahead of time so they can be distributed during this funshop.
  3. Chiming in the Wind - Ever wonder how those melodious sounds are made? Enjoy this peaceful funshop as you learn how to make a beautiful sounding wind chime.
  4. Empowering our pre-teens and teens to make smart decisions about love! Our girls are bombarded with conflicting messages about their roles in society. On the one hand, they’re encouraged to work towards excellence in their academic pursuits. On the other hand, media portrayals limit their roles to standing in the shadows of their super-macho boyfriends within their intimate relationships. Let’s make sure our girls know what it takes to achieve healthy, happy relationships. Using Mid-Continent Council’s Positive Power curriculum, we’ll learn the steps to a healthy relationship, definition of domestic violence and warning signs of unhealthy relationships.
  5. Event Planning - Teens can turn any idea into an event. How can you support them in their efforts? Find out more about event planning and how you can coach teens to plan a "For Girls, By Girls" event. Learn how to ask the right questions to empower them in creating a successful event.
  6. Let Go To Grow - Learn some basic principles and practices from the outdoor challenge industry to help you listen to girl's voices and feel more comfortable letting them make choices.
  7. Matrixx System "Colors" - The Matrixx System, also known as True Colors, is a fun filled 2-hour funshop designed to help you understand yourself and to recognize, accept and value the differences in others. It builds self-esteem, promotes teamwork, improves conflict resolution skills, and the acceptance of our diversity. Through a simple self-test, you will develop an understanding of your thinking and decision making processes (or colors) and how they differ from other people. Once the various colors are understood, you can then begin to look at ways to work with and appreciate those differences.
  8. Okay…I’m a Volunteer Older Girl Adviser… This is recreation … isn’t it?!?! Participate in this interactive session that will look at how to keep your focus and your cool when working with young women as they mature to adulthood. This funshop is for you as their adviser and helps you strategize, energize, and motivate yourself in staying connected with them, instead of being frustrated.
  9. Silly Songs - Learn the silly songs that will make the smiles "shine" on your face. If you would like, bring a tape recorder to tape record to take the music home with you.
  10. Teambuilding - Group cohesion is a key factor in productivity. Learn some fun teambuilding activities to help bond group members and raise their level of group commitment, friendliness, and commonality. Activities promise to be fun, active, and an exercise for the mind.
  11. The Art of Multi-Tasking - Everyone wants some of your time. School. Work. Church. Girl Scouts. Friends. Family. Come learn what time management is all about; with a just few easy adjustments you CAN manage your life!
  12. Traditions in Girl Scouting - Our history and the use of ceremonies are what make us who we are. Learn ways to integrate the use of ceremonies into event planning and meetings. How can girl planning make the experience "their's"? Through the use of many tools, they can be fun and memorable. Juliette would be proud!
  13. Traveling Beyond Your Living Room - Did coming to this Conference whet your appetite for more troop travel? Learn the process, how girls can make this happen, and how to integrate the use of Girl Scout campgrounds and facilities into your planning.