Just for Seniors Getaway 2004 - Senior Girl Scout Conference

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is planned for the Just for Seniors Getaway?

This event is planned for girls by girls (like they did the 2002 Just for Seniors Getaway). It is going to be SO MUCH FUN! Girls will arrive to a Cabana Party on Thursday afternoon from 2-5:00. TOO MUCH FUN! That evening will be the PJ Party. The next day the girls will go on the excursion of their choice. Friday night will be Spa Night where they will learn to make cosmetics. That will smell good! Saturday is Funshop Day (like workshops, but includes the word "work", which the girls didn't like) and that evening is a special celebration evening for all, followed by some lively music. Sunday morning we will close the conference after breakfast and wish everyone a great trip home.

  1. What is the cost of attending this event?
  2. The Conference fee is $150.00 plus cost of excursions and Conference logo items. All fees are due at the time of registration and late fees do apply (after April 15, 2004). Attendance is limited to 300. The cost includes dormitory lodging for 3 nights, 7 meals (Thursday dinner, Friday breakfast and dinner, Saturday breakfast/lunch/dinner, and Sunday breakfast), excursion transportation, and conference materials.

  3. Can a troop leader come with the girls?
  4. Yes. Absolutely. While we want to attract the girls, we know it takes adults to assist with the activities. We are most grateful for the adults who attend. On the web site we talk about attracting girls 18-25. These are not the only adults we want to attract to be chaperones. We need other adults as well.

  5. Does the application have to go through Council first?
  6. It is not a requirement of this event that the application/registration form be sent through your Council. We don't require the essays and interview reports, which are standard on a Wider Op.

  7. How can the girl get to Kansas City?
  8. Girls are responsible for their expenses in arriving in Kansas City. In 2002, some girls came by air, train, and car. We are working to get greeters to pick up girls at the airport. Again, we are working on this.

  9. What airport would the girl/adult fly into?
  10. The name of the airport is KCI (Kansas City International) or the code letters are MCI.

  11. If a girl hasn't completed her Silver Award, can she attend?
  12. Absolutely. There is no requirement that a girl complete the Silver Award or be working on the Gold Award. We are most happy to welcome them to JFS 2004!

  13. What time on 6/24 do the girls need to arrive and what time on 6/27 do they need to leave?
  14. On 6/24, the activities will start at 2:00. We know not all the girls will be in attendance yet, so we have planned a fun but casual event. The girls will have a great time when they arrive, no matter what time it is. On the 27th, the activities are over at 9:30 in the morning, but it takes until 11:00 or so to get everyone checked out. If a girl needs to catch an early flight, that will not be a problem.

  15. What is the web site address where we can get more information and the forms?
  16. http://www.oocities.org/justforseniors2004

  17. How full is your event?
  18. We have space available. The girls will have a wonderful time!

  19. There are three girls coming from the same troop. Can they room together?
  20. The fire code states that there are 2 individuals allowed per room. However, that doesn't mean they couldn't spend all their waking moments together. :-)

  21. Do girls from just the Midwest attend this event?
  22. No. We have girls attending from many states across the United States, as well as a girl attending from China. In 2002, we had girls attending from 27 Councils and 20 states.

    Please let me know if you have questions. We thank you for passing this information onto your bridging Cadettes and Senior Girl Scouts.

  23. Is this a GSUSA Destination?
  24. Yes. You may see the listing at: http://www.studio2b.org/escape/destinations/event_details.asp?eventid=18

  25. Who may attend?
  26. All girls entering 9th grade through the 1st year in college in the Fall of 2004 are welcome! Girls may attend as troops, friends, or individually.

  27. May girls attend who aren't Girl Scouts?
  28. No problem. There is a $10 registration fee and a form to complete. We can help you with that.

  29. Do you have another way to contact you besides email?
  30. Sure. Judy Brennan, 11313 Riley, Overland Park, KS 66210-2655.

  31. If the event is for Seniors and a bridging Cadette attends, but will not have her silver completed until Sept will what she does there count towards Seniors? Or is it not appropriate for bridging Cadettes to attend?
  32. Bridging Cadettes are welcome to attend. I would refer you to your Field Director within your Council to determine if what the bridging Cadette participates in at Just for Seniors Getaway 2004 would count towards her Cadette experience or Senior experience.

  33. Will someone be at the airport to escort my daughter to the college?
  34. We are developing a team of volunteers to greet and pick-up your daughters at the airport.

  35. Are you planning to have another Senior event in any upcoming years?
  36. Girls plan this event for girls. The girls are from Senior Girl Scout Troop 2099 of Mid-Continent Council of Girl Scouts. Therefore, it will be the girls who will decide whether to host another event in future years. We will provide notification of future events when available, if that is their decision.

  37. Are girls from any other countries attending this event?
  38. Yes. A young lady from China will be attending. We just received a registration form from a girl in the United Kingdom, who is a member of the USA Girl Scouts Overseas.

  39. What is the Mutual of Omaha insurance that is required?
  40. GSUSA requires girls traveling for more than 2 nights to obtain accident or accident/sickness insurance through Mutual of Omaha. Please contact your Council for forms, submission deadlines, and proof of coverage prior to attending this event. Girls and adults are required to send proof of coverage prior to the event. This site is designed for Council/USA Girl Scouts Overseas members to find information and forms on appropriate insurance plans. http://www.mutualofomaha.com/girl_scouts_of_the_usa/index.html

  41. Can girls who are graduating from high school be chaperones?
  42. We recognize many Senior Girl Scouts have been very active and been exposed to many experiences that would prepare her to be a chaperone. However, a 2004 high school graduate may not be a chaperone. The registration year concludes on September 30 of each year. A high school graduate may register as an adult 10/1/04.

  43. I have received a short confirmation stating my registration form was received? When will the detailed confirmation information be sent?
  44. When we receive the girl and/or adult registration forms, we send a short confirmation, letting you know it has been received. A detailed confirmation will be sent in April with information required for this event in order for you to have a safe and fun experience.

  45. Do adults attending with girls pay the same fees?
  46. Yes. This event is not a fundraiser. We only hope to breakeven at the conclusion of this event.

  47. If a girl attends without a buddy or a group attends with an uneven number of girls, how will her roommate be determined?

Girls will be paired up in the dorm room with other girls without a buddy. There are many activities designed to allow girls to meet everyone.
