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Welcome to the Gadgie shite. (up-dated 20/09/09) Who or what are the Gadgies and where do they really come from? Who is a 'Psychiatric Survivor'? Where are the DROOGZ maan? What's Your Poison? Get yourself some SMOKING SKILLS & ADVICE On Looking After Your Junkie Mate will Dawn marry Jeff? What's a MABA? Do bears exist in Wrekenton allotments? You can find answers to most of these questions and other stuff by Clickin' on one of our Glinks check out the Gadgies ask 'QUESTIONS' on the 'ROLLIN' page 'HOW TO GROW YOUR OWN' coming soon Will Jeff marry Dawn? If anyone, in anyway feels offended, degraded, depressed, pissed off, in any way, by this shite or any of it's contents, just blame Maba ICQ 119035259 |