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First Name :   Ali
Comments :   looking good !!! hey.... i must b first to sign...go me!!! yea, keep working on it you will understand eventually!!!
Where are you from ? :   Scotland....shitty town in scotland...actually, just round the corner from u!!!
How old are you? :   ehh...ummm.......16......i think
Whats your favourite film and why? :   LORD OF THE RINGS!!!cos it os brilliant! brilliant cast, special effects, costume, make-up, music, everythink!!!
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   Elijah Wood he is a very talented actor..... and rather good looking!!
First Name :   Ali....again......
URL :   
Comments :   it is still good....plz let other peeps see it or it will be me reviewing all the time and only me!!! hope you had a good holday and easter!!!!!!
Where are you from ? :   ummmm....scotland....ayr....a house....round the corner from you......getting the idea??
How old are you? :   last time i checked16
Whats your favourite film and why? :   Been here done this but ok- LOTR
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   also...been
First Name :   Eilidh
URL :   
Comments :   good site tho it needs more stuff.... ali let me see it:)... looking good tho...keep it up :)
Where are you from ? :   boring ayr
How old are you? :   13
Whats your favourite film and why? :   SCREAM !!!!! all the blood and guts! and sooooo funny......especially the bit with the cat flap....HAHAHA
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   oh i dunno....gareth gates.....he is cute tho......y is ali laughing....???
First Name :   Ali
URL :   None anymore....oh well
Comments :   Hey, its me again!! just here to check the updates! looking good....glad your sorting it all out.....nice pics of elijh by the way...awards page looking great!!
Where are you from ? :   ummm....i dunno...mars?
How old are you? :   400000 (acually im immortal but im not meant to tell anyone)
Whats your favourite film and why? :   hmmmm....LOTR..... i have this feelin i have done this before....
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   
First Name :   ME, JUST ME
URL :   
Comments :   WOW OH WOW!!!!! im am so impressed... u r gettin so good at this!!!! but u must tell people cos this is gettin like the online journal i am keeping of your site!!!
Where are you from ? :   i have no idea
How old are you? :   again
Whats your favourite film and why? :   hhmmmmmmmmmmmmm......i dont watch them i am allergic
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   what is a celeb??!
First Name :   Heather
URL :   
Comments :   I dunno y u dont like this site cos I think its wicked! It'll be better when u get a chance to finish the Joaquin page !! lol
Where are you from ? :   Ayr, shitty town in Scotland
How old are you? :   nearly 17
Whats your favourite film and why? :   erm... I've got loads...dirty dancing, billy elliott, my girl, patch adams, almost famous, the green mile n forrest gump
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   U know this! Gareth Gates cos he's gorgeous, sweet, sext, funny, cute, lovely 2 talk to, gr8 singer, fab performer, wicked seeing live, cant w8 till his concert! (Get the picture)
First Name :   Ali
URL :   
Comments :   lalalalala...sites looking well good!!! well done!!!!Go u !!!!!
Where are you from ? :   
How old are you? :   
Whats your favourite film and why? :   bla bla
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   bla bla bla
First Name :   Ali
URL :   
Comments :   Hey....u were busy while i was babysittin!! the biography is well good, very informative!!!! Babysittin was fine, the sprgs were actually well behaved and went to bed early!!!!!! Keep up the good work on the site!!
Where are you from ? :   here
How old are you? :   .........
Whats your favourite film and why? :   ........
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   .........
First Name :   Laura
Comments :   Hey Lorraine! I know I promised t sign your guestbook and I'm soo sorry I didn't do it any sooner, but I have to say I honestly love your site, and if you dare think aut closing it, I'm gonna hop in a bote and row all the way to Scotland to stop you!!!
Where are you from ? :   Belgium *ugh*
How old are you? :   14
Whats your favourite film and why? :   LOTR! It's just the greatest cinematic experience ever! It's also based on the most wonderful book written in the past millennium and last but not least my beloved Elijah is in it! Woohoo! Go Lij !
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   Elijah Wood! He's just the most brilliant actor ever! I love him so much! I'm sorry, I think I'm getting a little carried away. But still, he's just so gorge and sweet and caring and evrything a guy should have and *sigh* why wont he be mine?
First Name :   Antje
Comments :   Great site, keep up the good work, love the Joaquin site you made, mmmmm those pictures lol I will be putting your link up on my site and telling people lol Always great to see a new site for Joaquin
Where are you from ? :   Belgium
How old are you? :   26
Whats your favourite film and why? :   Stand By Me , because it is just the best movie ever lol
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   Joaquin & River Phoenix
First Name :   Steve
Comments :   Hiya, very nice little fansite ;-) I've linked to you on my links page because I think you'll grow in time...btw: where's your e-mail address for people to send you stuff!!??
Where are you from ? :   UK
How old are you? :   16
Whats your favourite film and why? :   Gladiator (there's a surprise)- and why, because it was when I discovered the wonder of this dark character Commodus. I had to know more.
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   Joaquin Phoenix- because he's a wonderful person and an excellent actor
First Name :   Larissa
URL :   
Comments :   Very nice work! keep it up!
Where are you from ? :   toronto
How old are you? :   too old to mention
Whats your favourite film and why? :   Far too many...Gladi, Quills, Ang Lee's films, Romeo and Juliet (1968) just to mention a few.
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   Joaq...isn't it obvious....tee hee
First Name :   Alexis
URL :   ??
Comments :   I love your website! Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see it completed!
Where are you from ? :   Iowa
How old are you? :   14
Whats your favourite film and why? :   Anything with hot guys! Can't wait to see Signs!
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   JOAQUIN!duh he is the sexiest man alive and his little scar is so cute!
First Name :   Marissa
URL :   
Comments :   Your site is great Lorraine :o) Sorry I have not been here before now, just found it today and was surprised that it was "our" Lorraine from the Joaquin Forum who had made this site lol How come you did not mention this on any of your posts? Keep up the g
Where are you from ? :   Copenhagen, Denmark
How old are you? :   27
Whats your favourite film and why? :   I have many but it has to be "Dancer in the Dark". Lars von Trier is my favourite director and Bjork is not only an amazing singer but also an amazing actor! I have to mention "Gladiator" as well, Joaquin and Russell in the same movie- it could only be a
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   Hmmmmmmm I can't just mention one :o) But Joaquin , Russell, Jean-Marc Barr and Jack Black! They are just all very talented and damn sexy as well lol
First Name :   mary
URL :   
Comments :   i love this site! keep up the good work and keep loving jp! i know i will 4ever! other jp feaks like me email me!
Where are you from ? :   puerto rico.. moved to florida @ the age of 6
How old are you? :   15
Whats your favourite film and why? :   umm i cant pick just one i love all of his films.... any film with jp is great!
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   duh!!!!! joaquin phoenix! wut type of question is that??????? :-0!!
First Name :   Fliss
URL :   
Comments :   I like the site! It's great! And good to see someone else who's into Joaq, cos sometimes I feel like I'm the only one!
Where are you from ? :   London
How old are you? :   18
Whats your favourite film and why? :   Gladiator *for obvious reasons* Pearl Harbor *Josh AND Ben in uniform woaahhh* Bring it on Bridget Jones' Diary loads more
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   Duncan from Blue and Andy Roddick! Why? Because they're fit! Very fit! Oh and erm..talented at what they do ;-)
First Name :   Love Phoenix
URL :   
Comments :   I went straight to the guest book- so i don't know what ur site is like yet ;)
Where are you from ? :   Down Under (Australia)
How old are you? :   Old enough
Whats your favourite film and why? :   My old time favourite is...too old for you to know what it is ;)
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   Jo-a-quin (thats how i like to pronounce it)
First Name :   Er..enigma...actually Heather, but who cares right?
Comments :   Great work! I'm happy that you finally got everything up and going. Any future fan fiction coming?
Where are you from ? :   In a little crappy town called, Salt Lake City
How old are you? :   Erm...13
Whats your favourite film and why? :   Hmm...I have a few actually. Gladiator, Inventing the Abbots, Signs...(see a pattern here?), Ten Things I Hate About You, Spider-man, The Bourne Identity, etc. blah blah blah...
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   I also have several here too. Joaquin Phoenix(of course), Matt Damon, John Cusak, and Tobey Maguire.
First Name :   Kelly
URL :   
Comments :   Been a fan for a long time He is great just like his brother but don't compare him to River because he not.Joaquin is Joaquin and River was River.Two different people but from the same family.Love both of them.
Where are you from ? :   South Carolina
How old are you? :   Over 20
Whats your favourite film and why? :   All of them Don't know they just are
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   River & Joaquin Phoenix
First Name :   Love Phoenix, you know like Love Hewitt
URL :   
Comments :   Ok in my first comment i stated that "i went straight to the guestboook", since then i have had a look at this site, and i think all compliments to the chef! Lorraine, got to hand it to you girl, great job and a job well done! keep it up!
Where are you from ? :   Where Aussie Kangaroos live, in the outback bush! ;)
How old are you? :   Still old enough
Whats your favourite film and why? :   Well since my last encounter with a Jo-a-quin Movie which was terrible (Clay Pigeons [it was way too weird])my my favourite movie now is, still too old for you to remember :P
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   Well i still haven't changed my mind, its still the one and only, Bob Hope :P nah ofcourse its Jo-a-quin! GOT YA!
First Name :   Alex
URL :   
Email :   
Comments :   Hey! this is a great website :] I love Joaquin!
Where are you from ? :   Austin Tx
How old are you? :   17
Whats your favourite film and why? :   Gladiator, because it just is.
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   Joaquin Poenix, because he is a great actor.
First Name :   Nad
URL :   
Email :   
Comments :   great layout, hope to see some pics of joaq as a kid and his family. keep up da good work xxx
Where are you from ? :   England
How old are you? :   13
Whats your favourite film and why? :   i have loads of favourite films. id be hard pressed to choose a favourite.
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   Joaquin- because hes the most amazing, inspiring actor, hes funny,kind,modest and beautiful. everything i could ask for in a guy.
First Name :   isabelluna
URL :   
Email :   
Comments :   Wow oh wow got my attention... does this person have an apt. in london? near that big fancy store or yours? Harrolds? or something like that?
Where are you from ? :   nowhere and everywhere
How old are you? :   i forgot to count
Whats your favourite film and why? :   i'm not a fan
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   no one b/c they're all fake.
First Name :   A.E.R.
URL :   0
Email :   you know
Comments :   you have to be joking you cant close this site you have put too much effort into it you will get i hiding from me and a hole lot of other people if you close this. P.S its very good
Where are you from ? :   same place as you
How old are you? :   same as you
Whats your favourite film and why? :   too many they all cant have the top slot
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   goodness knows???????????
First Name :   Leah
URL :   
Email :
Comments :   excellent site!!! ;-)
Where are you from ? :   Washington, D.C.
How old are you? :   14
Whats your favourite film and why? :   err... hard to say. prolly "o". i actually cried at the end, and i NEVER cry at movies. but this one, i got teary eyed.
Whats your favourite celeb and why? :   joaquin of course. cuz he's hot AND a good actor. great mixture. and he seems like a very sweet guy and everything.
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