Do you remember the seventies? Boy, I sure do. I still sometimes wake up in the night sweating, thinking I feel once again the disgustingly silky, roach wing-like feel of blended polyester on my skin. For my family it was truly a golden era. Being a large family there were many directions taken, all wrong. Enjoy the collection, and remember when you photograph your kids in such things that one day their kids will find those pictures so bewaaare, beeeeeewaaaaare!!! |
This photo was perpetrated Easter of 1973. More an extension of the sixties with the bizzare fad of putting entire families into a kind of uniform. Notice my oldest brother Jason, being the rebel, breaks ranks with Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club pants.That is me in the lower center, not only following his lead with white leather shoes but adding that extra fashionable accessory, the lemon shaped rubber change purse, dangling from the belt loop. Something Freudian going on there but I can't figure quite what it is. Linus started what would become his personal tradition of miming the strangulation of Jairus in family photos. He still does that. |
First Communion. A chance to dress kids in aggressively uncomfortable clothes so that they can indulge in simulated ritual cannibalism. I must be special because I am the only one with a carnation in my lapel. But Jairus is lucky, he gets to play polo. |
It's Spring of 1976 and what are all the cool kids doing? Chillin' in front of the wysteria bush of course. Somewhere between Jairus' high waters and my floor scrubbers there is the proper length of pant leg. Marceille's dress looks like she is ready to go to a Mormon church meeting. |
Where to begin? This has to be the ultimate seventies family photo. All the guys have the enormous collars going on. Even dad who, believe me, marched to the beat of his own fashion drummer. I have to say I look pretty dashing in chocolate brown. Mom was foresightful enough to give the group that extra splash of color. I think that in the current times, such prints are not even acceptable as upolstery fabric. I wish that our shoes were visible. This was right in the middle of the high stack heels fad. So the guys in the back are not actually standing on a low bench, it's the shoes baby. |